Be "woman" having extremelly egg-y thoughts

>be "woman" having extremelly egg-y thoughts
> be 4'11'' tall and weight 90lbs
Should I just repress? Be honest.

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This is a joke right? You will literally look like this if you try to transition.

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He passes though

you can always grow sideways

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genuinely dysphoric ftm never transition

I am aware

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You could black up and say you're half-pygmy.

Big man on campus

liddle pooner I wanna kiss you :3:3 Cuddle me lil poon

Honestly tho it fucking sucks, but at the end it really depends on how "eggy" your thoughts are. If you don't think you can hold them for the rest of your life, it's better to troon out now instead of tommorow.

Cis man here this is even more pathetic cause everyone knows you're compensating

I haven't reached full desperation yet, but I bought a binder recently and I get myself fantasizing more and more about living as a man. I even chose a name. More and more I despise my height, my small shoulders and my high pitched voice.
Problem is, I already look boy-ish as a girl and the only times I'm not perceived as a woman, I get mistaken for a 13 year old boy. Forgot to mention I also have baby face.

Bishit here, you can marry me and we'll larp all you want as long as you don't grow a beard. You can rub test on your clit and I'll call it a dick and give you "blowjobs" and everything.

Are you a boy or a girl?

Just take T, shave, lift, and butchlesbianmode forever. You'll feel better being on T and getting muscular, and if anyone asks about the deep voice, it's hormonal issues.

I've been thinking of trying T but I don't believe it's that easy to get in my country.

I do grey-market T, just use the sites that roiders use and buy bitcoin to purchase it from those sites. For injections, you are sure of the dose but you have to inject and all that. For gel/cream, it's easier but you have to apply daily and you should get a blood test (look up private labs that will test you) after two weeks to check your T levels because the absorbency rate for gel/cream varies significantly from person to person. If you are in europe and uk, you can use gendergp and get it legally within a month.

Thanks user. How likely am I to get male pattern baldness?

Your risk is as high as cis men, and very affected by whether it runs in your family so look at your male relatives. Overall risk is 20% of men get it in their 20s, rises to 30% having it in their 30s, 40% in their 40s, and so forth.

If you worry, you can stack the T with finasteride (look up, which gives fin sources), this helps prevent balding because it impedes the T from converting to DHT. T + fin means you get muscle gain and voice change and (eventually) masculinising fat redistribution. But your clit growth, facial hair growth and risk of balding are impeded.

If you want clit growth and you dont mind the small risk of balding by not taking finasteride for the first 1-2 years, then take just T for the first 1-2 years, which is where the majority of the growth happens, and then after that take finasteride.

Can you explain this a bit more?

Nta but clearly a repper coping with "hurrr malebrain is repping tho, I'm malebrained!!"

Even Stoller said trutrans FtMs in the 1980s tried to transition asap, and everyone now talks about how FtMs were masculine-from-birth trutrannies then. So cope

I don't see how repping can be either male or female brained tbhh. Both mtf and ftm do it so

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Theyfab mode and hope that’s enough