/Enbygen/ - Non-binary GNC General

It hurt itself in confusion Edition
--You expect of me a post? I have only one to give. It is the same one I’d make were we not standing on the brim of a validation nightmare. It is the same one I’d give were we to meet in the thread by chance. I have only ever hoped for one thing: to see us fags united under this Enby general. All agab are born cringe. We know it. We carry it with us always. If your cringefest be today, so be it. Mine will be tomorrow. Or mine today and yours tomorrow. It matters not. What matters is that you know in your hearts that today you are in that enby general. You are Enby, each and every one of you. Enby is you. And it is the threads between you. Post not for yourselves. Post for this board. Fill that post. Make it thoughtful. Make it based. Make it insightful. Make it yours! Make it Enby! Make it Enby!--

Easy mode Qott: so yeah how's it going?
Hard mode Qott: What does it mean to be an enby, do you 'feel' like one or is it a cope/larp?
Nightmare mode Qott: Post some lgbtq theory or philosphy that you believe

Thread theme: youtu.be/QLM_tP1_sz0


Attached: LetsMakeItEnby.png (1600x685, 778.56K)

urgh I don't know why I've suddenly developed jowls in the past 2 years when I'm still only 27 :(
my skin looks better in pics even just 3 years ago, my whole jaw shape has gotten even more masculine

Winter is almost over and I'm excited I'm ready to shed a few layers and enjoy some warmth. In my bleak isolation I thought I'd make a chart.
A lot of enbys are aiming for androgyny and I was thinking of ways to describe the spectrum of masc to fem and made this (pic related) over 5 hours in ms paint, what are your thoughts?

Attached: tripchart.jpg (1425x852, 173.84K)

Thanks for posting, Tripless.
I feel like it's cope! I am much more attractive when I present very androgynous, imo, and I'm not vibing getting clocked when I can just be openly in between and dress in a style that vibes with that.
I have a sense that everyone is enby to some extent, so fuck worrying about whether or not it's "cope."

How are you, OP?

I'm embarrassed to be nonbinary after reading that OP.

1. Same as usual
2. I have mostly binary bodily dysphoria but I'm too autistic and CPTSD'd to properly conceptualise myself as having a coherent sense of self beyond the physical sensations experienced etc. so 'gender identity' is kind of a meaningless phrase to me, gender is something I do rather than an abstract spiritual parameter I inherently 'am', I transitioned because I have some sort of problem that makes having masculine features horrifying and revolting and totally foreign to me, probably some kind of brain problem, but I would have been a genderfucker regardless of dysphoria or birth sex; so, non-binary trans is the label that fits best if I want to be precise (though really IRL I mostly just say I'm queer)
3. I guess I kinda answered that above, I definitely feel that the very nature of my existence is 'political' in that my innermost will runs in direct contradiction to the norms of a society I hate and am glad to disrupt just by being, so while I'm too brain-damaged to understand wtf any of that queer theory Deleuze / Tiqqun / etc. shit people post on twitter is saying, I think queerness is something I ascribe to

I like it. Thanks for sharing. I do think it's too harsh on hyper androgyny. I think hyper androgyny can be gorgeous. Why are none of the traits the in the lower half?

What's "The Perspective Void" mean?

I think you look fine especially when there is a smile, I recently bought some tretinoin cream, I let you know if it helps.
I was once told if you need to explain a chart then you made a bad chart, but yeah there is no real scale, its more about the idea that between masculinity and femininity there is so many variables in play

It all has to burn
It just promotes more sexism

This is why I support the antinatalist philosophy and the voluntary human extinction movement. The human species has been a horrible mistake.

I'm doing alright, last week was a shitfest thanks to half my friends witnessing the antiwork debacle and then approaching me about it as if I had a valid opinion.
>Why are none of the traits the in the lower half
I just ran out of ideas for things that could affect perspective, when I almost put walking gait and form of greeting but then I scrapped it. there is a peak androgyny when both genders are equally expressed but when you take hypermasculine features and mix them with hyperfeminine I feel each feature draws attention and doesn't compliment each other. if you can find a pic that you find beautiful I will eat my proverbial words.
I used to be antinatal, I still don't plan on having kids, I just think the dominate mindsets we see today are only here because of survivability, like pacifism on paper seems nice until you society gets steamrolled. We just need to grow as a species

Recently I feel like I'm nb. I spent all this time transitioning and becoming more feminine and passing, and now I don't give a shit about it. I just look in the mirror and think about myself and I don't really see myself as a woman or man. Not gonna have anybody call me they/them because that's cringe but still it's fucking weird

Attached: 1640393796600.jpg (861x928, 576.63K)

My skin's too fragile to handle retinoids, they burn & over-exfoliate me and turn my skin to wax for a whole month in a single usage.

>when you take hypermasculine features and mix them with hyperfeminine I feel each feature draws attention and doesn't compliment each other
I suppose you're right. I wouldn't be trying to laser off 90% of my facial hair if I thought it made sense aesthetically with my figure. (I'm trying to keep a soft dusting of side burns.)

... Even though I sometimes find those kind of intense conflicting looks kind of sexy, I also find them jarring af, and know instinctively not to try to keep one myself unless I want to be gawked at and avoided.

Omg ow! That sounds frightening and miserable


It is, I've never been able to even find a moisturiser that doesn't make my skin burn raw like fuck, even "hypoallergenic" ones. I have to use olive oil instead of lube. I'm suspected of having a connective tissue disorder too which I'm worried may be the reason I have jowls so early 'cause if that's right then there's nothing I can do about it probably hell hell hell hell hell

yeah same, never thought much abt gender in general i just feel more comfortable presenting feminine

finally an enby thread! i feel accepted :))
i feel like my body shape and hair makes me look like a girl. i hate it so much so i try to eat more to gaint more weight

>We just need to grow as a species
I trust you mean psychologically and not numerically. I guess there could be a solution where the human species could exist harmoniously with other forms of life, sustaining both the planet and itself. But that would mean that we collectively took responsibility over reproduction - a feat as realistic as the working class reaching class consciousness and taking control of the means of production globally.

Fuck, I'm sorry, Robin. I hope you find out what's wrong and your best ways to deal with it soon. Wishing you good news.

>lil pooner, megamanmoder and theyfab are in a unrequited love triangle, I hope they all find love or at least a top for them all to share
oh yeah definitely psychologically. I think I read that Earths carrying capacity at western standards is like 4 billion, we are over populated and always at the verge of killing or subjugating each other, in an effort to make this lgbt related I think the openly accepting gnc and lgbt people could help lower the burden of population, I also think when cultures accept that there are queers among them they become more open minded in general