Are non op trannies really trans?

By non op I mean regarding bottom surgery. Are tranners who have little to no bottom dysphoria and still use their natal genitals trans? Or are they fetishist freaks? Discuss
>yes it’s bait now reply

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i dont want an open wound in my pelvis. maybe in the future as the surgery improves, but now now. ive seen too much pol propaganda to commit to something like that. and desu i used to have genital dysphoria but now after knowing the real alternative i dont have much any more

I hate the idea of being able to grow parasites inside me and I think dicks are more aesthetic than pussies. Plus my smv is higher with a dick than with a pussy.

the average tranny will change her mind about srs 349587 times during the span of her life, with two exceptions: the year(s) leading to srs when they're convinced they want it, and the three months right after the surgery when they're always regretting it

>don’t want bottom surgery in general
plenty of people just have issues with the methods and results of it, i wouldn’t say it keeps you from being trans
>likes/doesn’t dislike their genitals
probably still trans? i feel like if you’re going through the potential transphobia and general effort of presenting differently, taking and being affected by hrt, and coming out to people who knew you before means that it’s not insignificant amounts of general dysphoria

Also, unlike the rest of my body, the only people who will ever see my junk are those who want to see my junk. I don't want to subject random people on the street with the sight of an abomination, so I'm well invested in physically modifying those aspects of my appearance. On the other hand, if you want to fuck me after knowing I have a dick, then presumably you like it.

I like when you say sane things. It breaks my heart when you're having a manic self-deprecating episode :(
Please, stay healthy, BP

No they aren't. You cannot say you enjoy having a penis and be a woman.
>b-but it's not literally perfect!!!!
If you were a woman, imperfect womens' anatomy would be superior to the abomination that is having a penis attached to you.
>b-but some women fantasize about having one!
Fantasize is the key word.

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>Le axe wound meme
Oh god, it this will never stop. You are either a chaser or a coper.
>three months right after the surgery when they're always regretting it
No. I was always very consistent about wanting my dick gone, and not having it anymore was just like lifting 10000kg of weight away out of my chest.

Ok but what about ftms who don’t want bottom surgery? Phallo isn’t as advanced as mtf srs. Also some trans women would never be able to afford good srs so only have shitty options

How's your sewer smelling wound that you have to keep from healing every day

Am I manic and self depreciating rn? Legit can't tell, all feels the same.

Don't FTMs have the one where they just cut the T clit loose so it's more penis like? Metoidioplasty? Anyways, phalloplasty is such a sick joke I can 100% understand not getting it. I don't think MTF SRS was ever that bad.
Mine has a normal female pH and smells pretty much like any other. You sound like a mad chaser.

It's not a wound and smells normal, dilation is basically a muscle training thing since the neo vagina is not a wound, stop spreading this dumb meme. I only dilate once a week for just some minutes, and in theory I don't even need so considering I get dicked 4-5 times a week lol.

One thing I like about Any Forums as a ftm is that they are the only ones who accept the truth about phallo. I felt insane on Reddit looking at the deformed ‘dicks’ I couldn’t find one cis passing one but the pooners there act so delusional about it. It’s pretty easy to find passing neovags but as soon as I saw how phallos turn out I decided to just keep my cunt.

No, but you often are which is pretty sad.

>but what about ftms
no one cares

yeah but I’m biased.
I think vaginas are gross and like my penis. Been on hrt 6 years. Very happy with things.
I have nothing against those who have/get srs though. Everyone should do what makes them happy. Other peoples opinions on how you live your life are worth less than your own by a lot.

You would deny my transness just because I don't have bottom dysphoria?

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nice try, rabbi

Ah yes, I willingly joined one of the most hated groups in the world cuz it just turns me on so much. STFU with your gatekeeper nonsense.
I'm sorry y'alls bottom dysphoria is so bad you'll take whatever you can get. Mine isn't so I'm gonna keep using my parts that I was able to make peace with a long time ago, and if that makes me fake trans, so be it.

they are transgender but not transsexual

>if that makes me fake trans, so be it.
Sure thing, sir.

Transgender but not transsex

level headed and sane response... on Any Forums?
color me impressed

do yourself a favor and get off this transmed ass site, you're valid.

Phalloplasty was originally created not for FTMs but for soldiers who got their dicks shot off. A lesser known fact about warfare is that groin injuries are quite common. There are a lot of young men who are deployed to serve their country and come back with a bunch of scar tissue where their genitals should be. This is why phalloplasty was invented.

My point here is that everyone always brings up phalloplasty in the context of transsexualism when probably the majority of people getting it are soldiers. I think that this is an important point to be made in any discussion on the surgery.