How the fuck are are you supposed to be happy as a woman when everyone hates women over 25?

How the fuck are are you supposed to be happy as a woman when everyone hates women over 25?

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By not relying on m*ids for your sense of wellbeing. Female friends and female lovers are the only way.

Some leddit neck beard doesn’t represent every person ever, plenty of adults are mature and want a gf their age

Would you rather be a man in a relationship or a single woman?

just become a mommy gf

do transbians/lesbians have as many hangups with age as straight couples?

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being single isn't the problem its the way everyone looks down on you and devalues you

>randos slap fighting in reddit comments is evidence

lesbian crade robbers are absolutely a thing, it's just not talked about as often because women can do no wrong and men think it's hot

unfortunately this is how it works in the real world too. men will divorce their wives to go fuck children in SEA. My dad did it.
People constantly pan actresses for having "hit the wall" by their early 30's despite looking great and spending thousands on cosmetic anti-aging treaments every year. These same people applaud men like Dicaprio for embracing a "dad bod", ignoring how their faces have aged and lauding the prospect of dating women decades younger than them, leaving their youth spent getting used by older men and the rest of their life being rejected by those men once they've grown up.

also, as a gay woman, the idea of an older woman with me rn is hotttt.

>men will divorce their wives to go fuck children in SEA. My dad did it.
you’re talking about the literal grossest pig men on the planet dude i could NOT fucking care what anybody like this thinks about me. get a fucking grip. how do you have enough respect for these people that you let it bother you when they call you an ugly bitch or something. that’s about the only thing i can think of that sounds more pathetic than their lives.

I don't know, a lot of the adult men I've been raised around are like that. My dad does it, my uncle moved overseas to do it and has a 20yo girlfriend at 53, my grandpa moved overseas for an even younger girl, and a lot of the men I do often go over there to cheat on their girlfriends/wives, sometimes pretending to still be in the country or somewhere else or something
And women in my family talk a lot about how they feign for their youth and hate the way they look now all the time

Based milf appreciator

Yes. Me and my wife get loads of brainworms thrown at us whenever someone finds out she's 5 years younger than me.

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Men are supposed to look like an Ork warlord in an Italian suit and women should be as youthful and braindead-bimbo as possible. Deal with it.

what the fuck do you mean deal with it
sounds pretty attainable for men meanwhile it means the majority of my life will be shitty

How the hell do people find the time or energy to care about this sort of thing? This is like incel stuff in the sense that there's a grain of truth to the anxiety but the rest is hyperbolic doom-thinking that doesn't benefit anyone

i potentially have anxiety or some kind of ocd and this weighs on me consantly


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