Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers

Anarchy in the JP

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Looks pretty stupid. Picked the fuck up.

For a moment I thought this was that Yamakan arson project, but I guess that's dead.

That never had any chance of getting funded. It was just him attention whoring.

>Otakus are exterminated
WTF who are the target audience of this magical girl anime then? Why do they hate otakus so much?

>who are the target audience of this magical girl anime then?
Otaku who want to be exterminated by magical girls, duh.

New Cygames maid akiba anime has otaku as pigs

I think the magical girls are on the side of otakus

>Putting otakus in concentration camps

Wasn't there a mecha show with similar premise last year

>who are the target audience of this magical girl anime

>jun inagawa
where have I heard that name before


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There is a male MC called Otaku Hero whom the 3 girls are in love with

Gyakuten Sekai no Denchi Shoujo

Me in the back with a TV head.


Nice creative names

haram romcom is bigger than ever

Madoka went ancap.

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