I have one piece of advice for EVERYONE on this board. PLEASE go outside. it'll be the best thing you'll do...

i have one piece of advice for EVERYONE on this board. PLEASE go outside. it'll be the best thing you'll do. stop being active on this board. it's the worst thing you can do to yourself.
>t. used to be really active on /tttt/

Attached: moyai.jpg (320x180, 3.27K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fool me once shame on you.

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>go outside
>Are you gay
>Wee queer look at me again and I'll fucking kill you

The fact that the loser cartoonist put a smiley face on the blob doesn't the fact that the blob is making bad decisions, is responding to wolrd in an overwhelmingly negative way and is creating behavioural pattern for itself that will ruin its ability to live the life it wants

i live in scotland and none of that has happened to me.

i'm not fooling anyone. seriously, go outside, stop being internet poisioned.

>t. doesn't go outside

Stop staring at them with your mouth open and drooling.
Look straight ahead and walk swiftly and confidently to your destination.
Run, if necessary.
But don't look at them or acknowledge them in any way.
You're too important and too busy!
Problem solved.

no it too cold

I’m neurologically and physically incapable of anything out there that I could “want”; all going outside does is emphasize that. At least in a controlled environment I can cope.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Attached: 2B49D491-FAD6-435E-B73A-F0025FB0CE74.jpg (640x640, 75.27K)

i have awful social anxiety. i'd describe myself as non-passing. i was able to make it work.
user... trust me... give it a try.

>I’m neurologically and physically incapable of anything out there that I could “want”
Elaborate, please.

Autism, physical deformity. The specifics of a single case are irrelevant to the general idea that there is a class of people for whom venturing out is always going to produce negative results. Suggesting otherwise is just toxic positivity.

i'm pretty sure everyone on here has autism, myself included, it's also not hard to learn social literacy... i was also able to do it.

If you can “learn” how to pass as neurotypical indefinitely you are not meaningfully autistic. Genuine autism can be identified subconsciously by neurotypicals in a few seconds of silent video and is not maskable for more than short periods of time to a subset of the population.
There are also many low-functioning psychopaths that are misdiagnosed as autistic.

instead of trying to work towards a solution you keep looking for issues... it's upsetting if im honest.


I have a solution already. You just don’t like it.

Stop hurting yourself.

people glare at me and laugh at me when I go outside

I did.

Staying a shut-in is never good user.
That is called paranoia. I feel like that sometimes. I still do, but trust me, they aren't. People don't care.

I post here to take out my antisocial tendencies on kids who think this is quirky leddit, I'm completely free on typical /tttt/ brainworms
