I think socially transitioning whether you pass or not is the correct call

Won’t help. You’ll still want to be a woman if you’re dysphoric enough. Harder to get SRS if you need that and you have to hide breasts

Horrible. Fixes nothing

People are going to hate us no matter what. I don’t trust myself around anyone any more. Even my supportive friends don’t really think I’m a woman, and even if I passed one day (I won’t) they still wouldn’t. I’ll always be clockable so I can’t move to another country and start over. I can’t hide everything for the rest of my life. I just feel like a joke, but I’m too old to just normally transition and be happy. But I don’t see how the other options are better. Every option is bad but maybe one doesn’t involve hiding everything

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it is impossible to socially transition as long as you don't pass. you can be tolerated in female friend groups as a weird gay male, even including she/her pronouns, but make no mistake you are not one of the girls and will never be. there will always be a 2nd group chat without you.

>Boymoding for years on end and causing yourself the immense trauma of hiding yourself from the world for a prolonged time because what if the scawy mean girls have a group chat without you?
No thanks

Enjoy your closest friends turning against you and your dating pool shrinking to chaser perverts and serial killers.

Anyone who goes full-time does with the knowledge that they've made themselves a pariah and they'll die alone. If you're young enough, invest in some good recording equipment so you can pay your rent.

you don't have to be boymoding, you can be girlmoding. you can be out to the entire friend group, living your truth or best life or whatever. but still if you don't pass you'll never really be one of them.

You'll never be one of them or in their sekrit chat boymoding anyway so that's not an argument against

there will be a line, where there are things the cis girls are allowed to say or do but you aren't. certain topics will be off-limits for you to have an opinion on. and if you lose track of the score and cross it you'll be put back in your place or removed from the group entirely.

yeah I mean I'm not trying to argue against it, I think you're right. but I've been hurt in those situation before so make sure your expectations are realistic

Not going to transition because my opinion on various issues won’t be asked for or wanted in a friend group of other women

>girls didn't see her as one of them pre transition

this is actually a perspective I haven't seen in a while, good job on recognizing those types of boundaries and respecting them user.

I’m so considerate :)

Being a man for the rest of my life to save discourse

also cis foids will constantly bring up those topics in your presence to subtly exclude you. things like "what would you name your child"

This is such a stupid argument. Most repressors have mostly male friend groups and want to remain friends with them if possible.

Idk where this fantasy that trans women want to completely replace every aspect of their lives, skip town and weasel their way into a random group of girls they had no contact with before. Most of us had friends before transition and don’t want to lose them.

Just honmode already if you live in a liberal city. As long as you avoid IT’S MA’AMing people and stay away from women’s bathrooms and women’s studies groups you should be fine.

You will be perceived as a man in a dress until you pass, but no, not everyone will treat you as an abomination. Men in dresses are pretty common in human history and plenty of them had active social lives.

My solution is just don't have friends

Nah, this one is pretty acceptable for a trans woman to talk about - adoption exists and in vitro does too, plus men are also parents.

It’s more topics about periods and pregnancy itself

yeah but I'm not interested in being a man in a dress, I don't want the attention or the heat. it's just not me. I'm only comfortable blending into the background, to be more or less invisible, which is only possible right now as a boymoder.

>Men in dresses are pretty common in human history
they were also treated as abominations

if thats what you wanna call it power to you

Never true for me. People here would rather tell you you're a agp trans woman than accept the turth you're a gay man who passes yourself off as a woman and regret not adjusting to being gay.

>hay man
This board is made up almost entirely of transbians

>Get top surgery
How will I ever be a woman if I never get intimate with anyone? Retard.

How so? Femininity and feminine bodies turn me off. Why would I want to kiss a female? Can you explain why?

same lol. I want to go back to school for chemical engineering and never leave the lab for the rest of my life.

I’m not actually that dumb thank god. I’m a man because I look like a man, not because I don’t want to slightly annoy a cis woman (I wouldn’t even talk about periods or pregnancy anyways. I’m not a dumbass. I have some self-awareness which is why this is so funny to me)

>just accept you're clocky
Hard pill to swallow but okay
>just give them a reason to stab you to death
Not happening. Lucky you, living in a first world accepting country