Transwomen age better

>transwomen age better
Is this just honscience cope?

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i dont know

"aging badly" means masculinizing, so yes by that metric they do

probably, but most of what we know about that is anecdotal
theres this kinda weird study that looked into estrogen levels and attractiveness of cis women and they found that the ones with higher levels tended to be more attractive. but then again attractiveness is subjective etc etc so kinda hard to study something like that accurately

There was also a study that showed work with higher estrogen levels were perceived as younger

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Heard it was true because our E levels are always perfect since its chemically injested therefore precisely calculated but ive no idea if thats true

It's just sneed

>attractiveness is subjective
oh nononoon

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it's not fair i want to suck off keanu reeves too

trans women dont experience menopause because they get their estrogen externaly. while cis women lose their ability to produce estrogens and begin to masculinise slightly durring/after menopause, trans women continue looking just as feminine as before. if you start as a passer or twinkhon you will look more youthful and feminine than other women your age after ~35-45. if you already look like a gorilla though yoi wont magicly look better than them. and if you stop hrt or get put on a shit dose, it all goes out the window. stay physicaly active and eat healthy, and keep taking your meds, and you will look 40 when you're 70 as a trans woman, assuming you looked ok to start with

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but old tranners like Wendy Carlos and Marie Pruvo don't look like that

It's just Chuck

Hrt was literally invented for cis women to stop the masculinisation of menopause but a lot of cis women don’t bother with it. Trans women will still age and even with the levels of estrogen they still end up looking older than cis foids. Ofc their are some trans women who age well but usually they experience twink death. Cis foid who takes care of herself with ok genes will always age better than a trans women

That's a study on biological women. A 350 lb fatfuck man will have estrogen levels through the roof and it's not going to make him look any younger for example.

Environmental and genetic factors trump hrt. You may not go through menopause but that's hardly a major influential factor.
What worries me is height with age. A hunched over granny is fine but grandda to granny?

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Why do you think that? Genetically there isn't really anything to dictate why that would be the case. You can monitor hormone levels and suppress androgens to cisf or below levels
Mens estrogen levels don't get nearly as high as women's naturally lol

Estrogen in males has an inhibitive effect on growth hormone which is essentially the hormone of youth. This could cause trans women to age worse than biological women. Collagen loss will be the main consequence.

A morbidly obese man can easily have estradiol levels that overlap with the female reference interval. More estrogens in the body does not mean better aging. For biological men it will probably mean the opposite.

Source or did you pull that study out of your bum?

Just open up a textbook. This is basic.
>Oral but not transdermal administration of estrogen impairs the metabolic action of GH in the liver, causing a fall in IGF-I production and fat oxidation. This results in a loss of lean tissue and a gain of body fat in postmenopausal women and an impairment of GH effect in hypopituitary women on GH replacement.
Oral estrogen which is what trannies take makes the active form of growth hormone in your body plummet and also works inhibitively at a receptor level to lessen the rejuvenative and anabolic effects of GH and IGF-I.
>Mean IGF-I level was significantly lower during oral estrogen treatment (P < 0.05) and rose dose dependently during GH administration by a lesser magnitude (P < 0.05) compared with transdermal treatment. Postprandial lipid oxidation was significantly lower with oral estrogen treatment, both before (P < 0.05) and during (P < 0.05) GH administration, compared with transdermal treatment. Protein synthesis was lower during oral estrogen both before and during GH administration (P < 0.05). Oral estrogen antagonizes several of the metabolic actions of GH. It may aggravate body composition abnormalities already present in GHD women and attenuate the beneficial effects of GH therapy.

Actually it seems like the opposite. Men don't create as much growth hormone because they have lower estrogen levels.
it smells like butt so probably

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>Oral estrogen which is what trannies take
Are you new here? Most trannies here are on injections after a year or two of hrt.

Men have much higher levels of IGF-1 which is essentially the active form of GH. If we didn't we wouldn't be more muscular than women.

It's my first time on this board. I would advice you trannies to keep staying away from oral estradiol then because the hepatotoxicity may be what causes the plummet in GH and IGF-1.