Watch Lycoris Recoil
Watch Lycoris Recoil
>yuribait seasonal shit
No fucking thank you and stay in your containment thread.
i smell jealousy~!
Why is every post is this thread terrible? Did I accidentally click on Any Forums? Where are the mods?
>The MC is a lesbian
>raised by two gay dads
>99% of the cast is also gay
>Madoka clone no. 1954789590783478903247980342
Kill yourself, 3DPD nigger.
You gotta go back.
Lycoris is the shitposting show of the current season.
you have a containment board. go there and never come here again tranny
Chisato is bi.
It's better and more popular than Madoka already.
>He know who that is
Kill yourself, tourist.
>no u
Not an argument, get the fuck off my board.
I only watch stuff with straight MCs
This is your board if you can't handle it
disgusting. you should die
Ugh you can see the 5 oclock shadow
You're in luck then
Yuri always win.
based user