Blanchard is correct and you’re all in denial

Blanchard is correct and you’re all in denial.

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Good one

Bwanchawd is cowwect and you'we all in deniaw uwu

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Yep. I can't speak for HSTS (thought I do have friends who could be considered HSTS) but I know AGP is very real because I am AGP myself. Being feminine makes me very horny. Skirt go spinny.

im hsts who’s denying anything

Autogynephilia exists but it's not a trans exclusive thing you tard. You will eat the bugs.

he just made up shit lol
pretty funny though.
astrology for trannies

If blanchard had his way with you he would have had his good buddy Zucker torture you for years into desisting instead of just meme-desisting on your own

you, being AGP

I think it's a thing that exists but it's not that black and white
sure there are those full agp men and trans women that go full fetish but what I mean the more gynephilic you are the more likely you are to show agp tendencies
even if the board says I'm agp because dysphoria set in at puberty and I'm bi I wouldn't consider myself agp because I've never noticed anything fetish like about in my transition

Blanchard can suck my small, flaccid dick. I know he wants to tho

well he's not 100% right, the majority of people who are considered AGP are just straight men with a crossdressing fetish. The categorization of anyone who is not hsts gold star is erroneous.

Then what are people who are neither AGP not HSTS?

user, I'm not sure that he does...

I don't think anyone who goes to the internet these days can honestly deny the existence of AGP. However, Blanchard is wrong about it being a trans thing because he doesn't see cis women as independent sexual beings but only objects of attraction.

He doesn't believe in the Bisexual trans people and thinks they are lying. Bisexual people are not real after all. He thinks anyone who doesn't fit his typology is lying.
Blanchtard is 100% a homosexual transphobic man.

>but it's not a trans exclusive thing
They didn't say that

femboys who dont want to admit it

Bisexuality isn't real. It's a homo cope. But anyway, daddy Blanch is absolutely right about trannies. Am I a homo? Yes. Do I pretend to be a woman to lure in men like a spider queen? Yes.

>doesn't see cis women as independent sexual beings but only objects of attraction.
isn't that AGP?