It's just anime. Turn off your brain, bro

>It's just anime. Turn off your brain, bro.
Remember when people used to think anime was smarter and more mature than what was on TV back then? What happened?

Attached: 1340841616503.png (1342x1080, 674.67K)

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They grew up.

To do what? Shitpost online?

>>It's just anime. Turn off your brain, bro.
Who are you quoting?

They got tired of retards complaining about fanservice.

The same people later get really invested in whatever the fuck is the latest hit on Netflix/Amazon/HBO (like Peaky Blinders or some shit) and can't believe you're not watching THAT. And we're not even getting into Rick and Morty

In summary, fuck those people


that never happened

heart attacks and such

>Remember when people used to think anime was smarter and more mature than what was on TV back then?

Attached: anime pro.png (457x450, 162.21K)

Way to out yourselves as being born after the Twin Towers fell.

what about the twin towers made everyone stop thinking the same?

>Remember when people used to think anime was smarter and more mature than what was on TV back then?
No but i remember when people constantly tried to prove anime wasn't just for kids by posting some pic from elfen lied

Anglo press has an international audience, Japanese press doesn't. Anglos fully control the narrative, they monopolize the flow of information, they are the ones that decide what's cool and what's not. And they'll always give preference to 'their' media. From the point of view of their reviewers and journalists, anime is a foreign product.
And people generally allow media to decide what they must like and what they musn't. For example, no one outside anime fandoms cared about Hayao Miyazaki until he was given an Oscar, as if they were expecting for Anglos' permission to give him a chance.

People started hating anime around that time.

Peaky Blinders was good though

They were children. However, thought provoking anime does exist and like said, the ones that grew up into normalfags are annoying.

I remember disliking season 5

>anime was smarter and more mature than what was on TV back then
nobody thought this except for you chucklefucks

>Peaky Blinders
The type of person who enjoys this hates anime as a whole. Same goes for Rick and Morty turds.

>Remember when people used to think anime was smarter and more mature than what was on TV back then?
Not really, no.

Faggots like this watch entry level shoneneshit sometimes.

Sorry you grew up in the middle of the age of hypercynicism and nihlism.

They watched more than 3 anime

If you want to use your brain please read a book and not some drawings with sub par dialogue user

Books are literally the midwit's choice of medium.

preposterous, hating anime should be punishable by law
