Imagine Rem Custard and Baraja Blast's hatesex...
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how old were kelart, remedios and calca?
The real question is: Do you think Calca dom'd or sub'd to Remedios and Kelart?
calca dominates remedios and is submissive towards kelart
>tfw you can't force yourself to enjoy Overlord anymore after being in denial over it for years
It hurts so much. I don't even know why.
Don't worry, Maru doesn't care for his child either. Write the fanfic.
Sex with Entoma!!
Really Maruyama? Was this outfit really necessary?
You can't say it objectifies's objectifying a Guy.
Bukubukuchagama had good taste
How was ZZ not able actually hurt Mare when he was wearing armor with almost zero defensive value?
>zero defensive value
wat. he was wearing defensive clothing the entire time. also she did do damage to him by critting. this is why he used a healing scroll
>Mare's DEFENSELESS navel
I'm not a shotacon or anything, how can a boy be so sexually attractive?
Anime watcher here. I'm really getting tired of Floor Guardians constantly misinterpreting Ainz' fuck ups and oversights and instead assuming this is all a part of a bigger plan, with Ainz repeatedly going along with their assumptions on what his plans are instead of doing anything else. Is there any chance that at some point Ainz will either grow a spine and tell them that there's no bigger plan and the next oversight was really just an oversight, or that at least some of the Guardians will develop enough to actually question and doubt Ainz' competence?
>Ainz regrets making Naberal his adventuring partner because she's socially retarded
Who do you pick as the superior partner?
>s there any chance that at some point Ainz will either grow a spine and tell them that there's no bigger plan and the next oversight was really just an oversight, or that at least some of the Guardians will develop enough to actually question and doubt Ainz' competence?
lmao even
No, Ainz is paranoid, and his incredibly afraid of his mooks turning on him. He might be strong, but he isn't going to last long against a bunch of evil psychopathic monsters who are as strong/stronger than him.
None so far, as the Mooks of Nazarick are hardwired to be loyal to the SBs, especially the guild master who is the last one around. Ainz can tell them the entire truth of what he is, and they would bend his words in illogical ways, like him testing their loyalty or trying to teach them a lesson in humility.
vol 16
It's 100% imperative to the plot.
Just like Zach being eaten by tits.
I think I'm in a minority here, but I do not find Mare sexually attractive.
At all.
This outfit is hilarious, though.
That's the crux of the story
>ainz is afraid of the guardians getting mad at him
>does everything in his power to please them
>they're all evil aligned so they all want death
>fucks up, but somehow it was the guardian's fault and not his
>awh man next time if I just try harder for nazarick things will be better
>sasuga ainz sama
>turns progressively more into the overlord that the floor guardians desire because he's a pleb
>when he does prioritize his own emotions somehow it magically works out and everybody sasugas
>which in turn makes him try even harder to do what they want
there's not going to be any character development from ainz and that's the point
>there's not going to be any character development from ainz and that's the point
Okay, fuck Ainz, what about his underlings? They were already showing some hints of independent thinking back in season 2 and there was a lot of talk about Ainz wanting them to develop and grow, is anything going to come out of this or will they keep forever sasuga-ing Ainz no matter how much he fucks up?
I honest to God can't remember if it's addressed, but there legit should have been no reason for it to not have been Solution instead of Narberal, she's a way better actress and she understood her role when she needed to play it.
Top pick would be Yuri, but it's understandable that she would be busy in Nazarick.
>Who do you pick as the superior partner?
basically no, there has been no development on that front. I think in the LN they made a new room in nazarick without him asking? and he was sort of surprised and happy but that's it.
while she is a better actress, she is a sadist at heart and would find ways to eat humans and such, plus i don't know how she could mimic blood when fighting if she gets stabbed
it's because Solution had a mission of investigating with Sebas at the time.
Lupus was busy with the village. CZ and Entoma stand out too much.
Nabe is dumb.