Why do women make stories in which female characters are extremely sexualised and made for male gaze?

Why do women make stories in which female characters are extremely sexualised and made for male gaze?

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Because they're not gay like you

In addition to the fanservice they had a healthy/nice friendship, which I think is why people were drawn to the show desu


Why do men make stories in which male characters are extremely sexualised and made for female gaze?

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Money, if they had stable free income they would devote themselves to drawing Yaoi shit, like many do

To make easy money off fatty incel otaku. Look at how you tards slurp it up instantaneously.

Otaku slop thread?

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This one is fags though

Women are bigger sexual deviants than men. They crave it and it sells. Not that its really related to this series, but most women fantasizes about being raped and used. Just look at loli doujin by female artists, most of the time they're more explicit than the ones from male artists.

you mean the (gay) male gaze

Because Marin is a female wish-fulfillment character.

Nope. Golden Kamuy's fanbase is majority female and straight.

>Only gay men can enjoy ripped bros having naked fun together
If anything in Golden Kamui makes you uncomfortable you're closeted and coping. I laugh at the naked shenanigans and admire their physiques and I'm 100% straight.

Only smart person in this thread. Marin is hot, has a hobby she's passionate about, and a hot (soon to be) boyfriend who works hard, accepts her hobby despite not totally understanding it, and uses his own skills to help her.
The only women who see a hot girl doing sexy shit and can't identify with her are fat roasties which are also the only people who whine about fanservice and "objectification."

You could have just said "made for male gays"

Will you dollfags ever quit with this massive cope. It's hilarious and plain for all to se to be false.
>muh big hands
>muh passion for craft
Millions saw this anime yet only you fags in here have this cope

Why do men make stories in which male characters are extremely sexualised and made for female gaze?

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t. fat roastie who can't project into Marin
Where are these "millions" of people who saw this anime? Any serious anime forum is gonna point out the fact that he's a walking Shojo trope, but I'm sure it would fly over the head of retarded redditors and twitter users.

Ugly, depressed people literally can't understand the concept of idealization and why people can appreciate character's appearances without lusting after them. I wonder what these same people think when they see a masterfully done sculpture.

>No argument lol

yo, why's david got such a tiny penis

The ancient father's understood that only whores care about dick size and that they weren't worth appealing to.

Women are just as, if not more, hornier than men. They also enjoy drawing and reading about cute girls.