I'm so fucking tired of these dime a dozen series where it's just "boy and girl, ecchi fanservice...

I'm so fucking tired of these dime a dozen series where it's just "boy and girl, ecchi fanservice, but [insert gimmick here]. I'm so fucking tired of it they are all literally the same series and they have nothing of value but nerds eat that shit up because of look the girl showed some titty that one time will they ever tell the other how they feel kawaii kawaii uguu~ . Every season there is a new anime like this and every month there are like 10 new manga like this I swear to God I am so close to just leaving anime and manga all together

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>stop posting
>watch more manga
>read more anime

Then leave. Your presence is not needed.

Have you thought of you know not watching them and ignoring them? This is such a autistic rant its like some dude saying he will quit movies because marvel exists

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Watch/read more, tourist.

Every single type of media has stereotypes and cliches.

They're becoming so prevalent it's impossible to just ignore them

You know how in every harem, there's that gimmick waifu who everyone knows isn't going to win, and everyone who liked her gimmick gets upset?
All of these series are for people who liked that gimmick girl and want to see her win for once.

Oh well in that case I guess it's ok

They have always been prevalent and used to be even more so you're just autistic and care to much what 15 year olds watch

Shut up namefag


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Gimmicky romcoms are a worse plague than isekai.

Thats because you are stupid, and have sheep mentality.

NTA but romcoms in the past were far more interesting than shit like Nagatoro, Takagi, Uzaki, Komi etc.
Every romcom is just formulaic garbage devoid of any personality or originality.

Cry harder

>but romcoms in the past were far more interesting than shit like Nagatoro, Takagi, Uzaki, Komi etc.
I m gonna be honest here friend they really weren't since a good portion just tried to be a shitty urusei yatsura. All those you mentioned follow trends and tropes of the past its just the junk food of anime

Yeah but in those series they introduce some OTHER gimmick girl that gets the same treatment

No, they weren't. They were just as unoriginal back then as they are now, just in a different way.
>the different way is better
That's, like, your opinion.

goodbye and good riddance. Go ahead and promote your latest wokeshit media on twitter

I feel you. That's why I prefer either best seinen series or niche mangas.

Then stop watching shows in that genre, what is the issue?