Why is Higurashi GOU considered at least decent while SOTSU is considered a piece of shit?

Why is Higurashi GOU considered at least decent while SOTSU is considered a piece of shit?
The only thing SOTSU does that is absolutely irredeemable is the DBZ fight at the end

Attached: Higurashi_no_Naku_Koro_ni_Gou_Serie_de_TV-821864703-large.jpg (789x1200, 126.56K)

Well for one, they're both shit. The DBZ ending is just the fecal cherry on the shit sundae.

But it's all shit?

>The only thing SOTSU does that is absolutely irredeemable is the DBZ fight at the end
That's by far the best part of Sotsu though.

Sextoko is the best part though

Higurashi was never good.

Maybe, but it was never that bad

Higurashi anime was never good, higurashi VN was never below peak of peak fiction

admit it, in the DBZ fight you laughed when they started doing the "power up screaming"

>shits on the original series ending
>spends two seasons for a boring and predictable conclusion, expectations only altered by lunatics theorizing about impossibilities as the ending
>sprinkles in references to other R07 works, shows older versions of the characters, doubles down on nostalgiabaiting during DBZ fight

Yeah, nah. Gou was shit but Sotsu is a travesty. Anyone that defends it is clinically retarded.

it's not decent, it utterly raped the franchise, the characters, the plot, the meaning, everything. neither is better than the other, both are truly disgusting


>expectations only altered by lunatics theorizing about impossibilities as the ending
Honestly, this was the be part of NuHigurashi.

The DBZ fight was the only good part.

I think it just upset people who couldn't understand that Magic is real in literally ever 07 work, but that it is not necessarily used.

>muh magic
It's about TONE

r07 said himself Higurashi is about tonal whiplash

And I said R07 is about being a retard

Gou had jk satoko.

That’s cause Sotsu is a recap, nobody wants to watch a season long recap.

Recap is probably the least stupid part of Sotsugou. Every new plot point is infinitely worse than a recap.

both are trash. People didn't shit on Gou as much because they hoped (coped) that Sotsu would fix it, it didn't.