This anime will suffer a fate of obscurity, and no one will talk or care about it for years. And eventually some asshole reddit anime reviewer will make a video essay about how this is the best anime all season and you're all fools from not caring about it.
It pains me to say it, but I think that leddit faggot will be right.
>And eventually some asshole reddit anime reviewer will make a video essay about how this is the best anime all season and you're all fools from not caring about it. At that point Any Forums will switch from being indifferent to actively hating it. Because, you know, can't like what wide public likes.
Charles Diaz
i fucking love it but its not great. has craft problems.
James Morgan
People been hating it since episode 4, but there's no reason to post about it for a show nobody calls the best, put 1 and 1 together.
David Walker
it'll be 50/50 torn between >contrarian anti-popular opinion and >can't think for themselves and joining most popular opinion
I think it's a great show but there's nothing about it to talk about or discuss, which is also probably why it fails to be popular. Kind of like Kemurikusa.
Carter Cruz
I'm glad I started watching this, I wasn't going to initially, but my gut said to give the first episode a go.
Julian Collins
it's pure sovl, but I hate to admit that ran into this show on pure coincedence
Hudson Gray
Why do you care?
Dominic Campbell
id never skip a science saru show but it's not like they're better than any other studio they just make interesting shit.
Samuel Reed
This show is fucking shit and the only reason people give it the time of day is because of Science Saru. If you want to suck off Redditors so badly, why don’t you go back and do it on their site instead of here?