Just watched it and it kind of sucked. Why do people seem to think highly of it? All of the scenes with the Wunder were shit and looked bad and could have been taken out to make the film half as long. Not to mention it only really gets okay towards the end but the conclusions feel slapdash anyway.
At this rate I don't know if it's even managed to be better than the first two rebuilds
Thrice Upon a Time
>Why do people seem to think highly of it?
Which people?
Some people out there I'm sure
Nobody needed the rebuilds. EoE was supposed to be the END, but Anno wanted to milk the cashcow dry while simultaneously ruining the franchise.
The last movie is particularly terrible, the plot doesn't make sense and is uselessly complicated, (the original Evangelion was cryptic, but still gave you enough information to make sense of things) the pacing is awful, half of the movie is filled with useless CGI battles with nauseating camera movements that have no stakes whatsoever as Mari and Asuka are able to kill hundreds of enemies effortlessly. There's tons of unwanted fanservice, even on emotional scenes. Asuka is half naked most of the time, and Mari doesn't have any meaningful interaction with the rest of the cast, with her dialogues composed on one liners and talks about how big her boobs are, while at the same time important characters have no screen time. Shinji fucking talk no jutsus Gendo, that gives a random "I'm 14 and this is deep" monologue, all while inside a "dream world" filled with nonsense and forced EoE references.
At the end Shinji fucking resets the word and goes away with Mari, because there's no better conclusion for a story about avoiding escapism and facing reality than getting isekaied and fucking a random fanservice girl.
The rebuilds are an insult to Evangelion and are a parody of themselves.
If you didn't get it, I despise them and I'm really sad they share the same name of one of my favourite series ever. Anno should never touch an anime ever again and should stick to make terrible kamen raider live actions.
Sorry for the rant.
>Why do people seem to think highly of it?
The Japanese mass media told them to praise everything Anno does.
God damn it user, this is truly a terrible opinion.
>Why do people seem to think highly of it?
No one does. I know Reifags tried to hail it as finally Asuka not winning, but then they were reminded that Rei has never won in any Eva media and they kinda walked back that position,
an opinion about how terrible the rebuilds are! god i hate them.
They were 5 when they watched EoE so they feel acomplished when they finally watch an EVA movie they can understand.
The rebuilds were kinda necessary to keep evangelion up to date, but I feel like most haters did not understand the original evangelion. Not that I am a fan of the original either, but it's cleverly made.
>EoE was supposed to be the END
Nah, the TV show was meant to be the end, EoE only exists for the sole purpose to take hope away and deliver despair instead. Whcih is why RoE returns to the positive message of the original and tells EoE to go eat shit.
That's the thing, it didn't need to be made up to date because it already had a satisfying conclusion. The rebuilds were a cashgrab at first but turned into a huge conundrum for Anno as he kept putting them off.
It's funny that the most common justifications for TUAT at first were about how it was about letting go of Eva but those ring kind of Hollow when Anno was the one who couldn't let go of it for the longest time. TUAT also reeks of his insecurity when he disses otaku despite being one himself.
Not to mention the moral falling flat for you if you've already made it irl anyway.
I didn't think EoE was a sad ending, sure it wasn't a super happy one either but despair is entirely the wrong word to use when Shinji actually accepts that pain is part and parcel of living and being with others. It's way more empathetic than "dude just stop watching anime and go touch grass and wait for a big titted manic pixie dream girl to fall into your lap bro"
>it already had a satisfying conclusion
This is not about the conclusion.
>letting go of eva
not the point in my opinion
>dissing otaku
now that's just wrong.
>I didn't think EoE was a sad ending
The epilogue expressively exist to tell us Shinji has completely failed, he cannot deal with reality, he cannot deal with the presence of others who will bring him pain, and he cannot accept himself and the things he did. RoE makes it its job to address all those issues before letting him get a positive ending.
>it's way more empathetic than "dude just stop watching anime and go touch grass and wait for a big titted manic pixie dream girl to fall into your lap bro"
In others words, you didn't pay attention to what actually happened in both EoE and RoE.
Terrible movie but it created unprecented amounts of butthurt by telling weebs to go touch grass which makes it based in my book.
> Not to mention the moral falling flat for you if you've already made it irl anyway.
Doesn’t help that anno was telling people to touch grass during the lockdowns. Hard to avoid escapism when your doctors are telling you fi you go outside that you will die from.
Here is the thing, the people that agree with the message of the rebuilds never needed it in the first place nor are able to empathize with those it is for, their agreement with it isn’t about helping others but rather about feeling superior over them.
>I know Reifags tried to hail it as finally Asuka not winning
Asukafags are so delusional they make up fake opponents as well.
No one would say that because Asuka never "won" in the first place
>It's way more empathetic than "dude just stop watching anime and go touch grass and wait for a big titted manic pixie dream girl to fall into your lap bro"
This is not what the movie was about. This is just your own insecurities talking.
> This is just your own insecurities talking.
The irony here is that the person you are calling insecure, probably is way less insecure then you are and has a better life then you do.
Sounds like something someone with insecurities would type.
>I know Reifags tried to hail it as finally Asuka not winning
Asuka was literally never winning ever.