You can't spell Hotaru without starting off HOT
Dagashi Kashi
built for coconut's dad
I'll make sure to eat lots of pineapple and take zinc supplements for her
You can't spell "meal" without ME, therefore I shall feed her my semen.
That doujin series where Hotaru fucks the shit outta Coconuts for 4 issues straight is the best. Really good epilogue to the series.
Hi Nazuna.
i like both Hotaru and Saya.
i even saw Saya's doppelganger IRL at a funeral, she was literally Saya minus the fang (even though she had great teeth and she was in a suit).
she looked cool.
imagine pic related with a suit and pants.
also she was just as flat as Saya
>doesn't have the ring eyes
Looked like a mousepad in the thumbnail
reminder that pochi made a better ending than the original
Hotaru and Coconuts heavily implied to be getting engaged isn't a bad ending, but yeah the sex is pretty good.
Seriously, it was right there
>Hotaru thread only has 10 posters
This'll happen to your waifu someday too.
built for huge shota cock
candy red nails
My wonderful gyaru girlfriend.
Sexually frustrated cake
Your girlfriend is used goods
true canon
I can fix this too.
Also can't spell it without "ho"
I really liked how they used candy to symbolize dick and cum, also how they shitted on flat girls