>gets married offscreen to a nameless, faceless guy in the last episode
Who thought this was okay?
Gets married offscreen to a nameless, faceless guy in the last episode
I'm glad Akira is gay and she's lusting after Aika
Aika is already getting gnome'd though.
Some faggot who wanted to protect the viewers from the shock of her getting hitched, and the knowledge that her wet, twitching pussy would be ejaculated full of hot cum. The viewers of this hot mess fear sex, conception, and responsibility. They will ultimately come to realize how badly they've cheated themselves and wasted their lives.
>people ship her and Akira
>author has her get hitched
>people ship main girls in Amanchu
>author adds shota take Hikari
Author lives to BTFO /u/
A jiga from the Congo with a sixteen-inch cock.
REally? weew That's interesting, I think I'll give it a try.
>>people ship main girls in Amanchu
>>author adds shota take Hikari
REally?? fug... I have some catching up to do!
The Moor of Neo Venice...
How many self-inserters bend over backwards to pretend that it's them she marries.
Although I'd imagine most of them would be pretending they were Al. Since he's the one who is lusted after the most.
Man, Amanchu is pure Yuri bait and switch. I can't help but laugh at it really.
She obviously knows exactly what she's doing and enjoys dropping bombs on readers.
>Although I'd imagine most of them would be pretending they were Al
If only they were as cute as Al
Me, after reading the fanmade VN epilogue.
It's an obvious metaphor for the fall of the Republic of Venice, its dissolution and capture by Napoleon Bonaparte.
Sadly most are neither as tall, smart, or good looking as Al-kun in the cold harsh reality of Manhome.
Not the thing I’ve expected to see when entering this thread, but it kinda makes sense in a way
>How many self-inserters bend over backwards to pretend that it's them she marries.
Yeah, something Dark
>neither as tall
You mean short. Anons are all taller than Al but in this case it's a boon for him because his small stature pairs very well with his cute appearance.
Wait a minute. How come Amanchu isn't even fully scanlated? WTF?
It made yurifags mad even in Japan so it's alright
Japanese people despise gays
Well...it's no Aria desu
>he actually believes this
Now, this is sad.