Did these "official" sub companies hire the scraps from [gg] or [Commie] or [CoalGuys] or something?

Did these "official" sub companies hire the scraps from [gg] or [Commie] or [CoalGuys] or something?

It feels like I'm watching low rent semi-accurate trollsubs from 2009 all over again.

Attached: redditsubs.jpg (1091x707, 118.03K)

Context for the screenshot? And what does TlL mean?

Truckers In Love

Attached: redditsubs1.png (1031x695, 806.96K)

best girl was cooking for some virgin she was trying to have sex with and she got happy at the idea of cooking some food that would help him get ready for the sex.
>what does TlL mean?
Today I learned

Today is lousy

Have a hard time believing even the biggest zoomer says abbreviations like that out loud.

This Is Lit

What does Lit mean?

3 glaring instances of it in the last 2 episodes I watched

Why don't they have subs with millennial humor anymore?

Attached: redditsubs2.png (1047x713, 867.63K)

You want #soccermom fights back?

"cool" or "exciting"
>This party is lit, you should check it out!
Basically, Ruka is excited to be cooking for her boyfriend.

it means "today I learned"

but I agree that making Japanese people sound like some Chris-chan freaks is horrible

Just give us a proper English literary translation

That's why yoiu gotta study Japanese for anime if the translations keep being this shitty

It's creeping into WSJ too, Ruridragon's translation was legit unreadable at certain points, plus the English translation used awfully inaccurate/outdated slang, it looked awfully lame

Most "official" subbers are nepotism hires from within the industry. People who couldn't get hired doing something in "legitamite" industry (Hollywood or Broadway) and therefore chose subbing as a "fallback." And they are using subtitles (or dubs) as a way to signal to the job they want to work on (the next big Marvel movie or to get hired at the New York Times). They're inserting crap like this in on purpose. They're actually less skilled and care less than the fansubbers.

Attached: squareenix_localizer.png (582x699, 137.29K)

subbing in the hands of americans has lead to disaster.

>he thinks it's limited to just America
Many of the worst decisions in the last 25 years came from the UK and Canada. And sadly, a lot of these things have been adopted by Japanese internal studios.

>UK and Canada
Literally only do what the US says.
If you think those countries have independent policies I don't know what to tell you.

America is being run by a Hungarian billionaire and the European economic forum. Please stop acting like Europe is simultaneously better than the US and then also the victim being controlled by them.

There are no victims or "better" countries.
There are states, there are people and there are interests.

>"how do you want your hair cut?"
>"you remember those twins from Rugrats?"

Most official subbers also get paid in peanuts. I bet some fan groups have a monetization scheme that could outpace what some official ones do. If you want to blame anyone for shoddy work, blame the licensers who cut the corners.

checked and fuck you glownigger

translating is actually a really fucking boring job so while you do it your brain will constantly tell you to rewrite something or insert jokes. Of course anyone with respect for the work and self control will simply not do it, but the people working on japanese anime and video games don't have respect for the work, and they don't have self control.

You need to understand that official translations for this language specifically have been bad for so long, companies and translators now believe this is how things should be done. Back in the 80s and 90s video game companies would't even attempt to translate the actual script and just type in random shit instead, the games still made money. Even big companies like square didn't give a single fuck and did shit like code a fucking accent generation bot for the chrono cross localization because they thought it would be funny.

The middle man distributors and their system of "make it as fast and cheap as possible" are the major problem. But that points to them hiring the cheapest, worst people. And those people being the worst don't get a pass.

That's true for video games, but not anime. Most anime subbers are just the notable fansubbers from back in the day and they can't break away from their shitty memesub trash. But for video game translators, and visual novels, yes they're ALL failed writers and artists who could not make it in other industries. And they're all fucking miserable people.

>Even big companies like square didn't give a single fuck and did shit like code a fucking accent generation bot for the chrono cross localization because they thought it would be funny.
Worse, they blindly just let Richard Honeywood do whatever he wanted and never checked his work. Then, after Dragon Quest VIII became more popular than they expected, they took his model and shoved it into every other franchise. Richard Honeywood has been gone from Square for 15+ years. But now the Japanese producers are the ones insisting the games use as many accents and dialects as possible.

Attached: squareenix_localizations.jpg (971x754, 761.21K)

There's more recent hires for anime subbing. Like the people who did Kobayashi Dragon Maid. And proudly went on twitter to brag about changing the dialogue. They were not 30 year old veterans but failed comic book writers.

That was the dub. Dubbing is a bit different, Funimation and the like just hires their friends from within. Almost everyone involved at every level is a dub voice actor, including the people behind the Dragon Maid dub. For Crunchy they hired fansubbers to do their speedsubs so that they wouldn't compete anymore.

>Most anime subbers are just the notable fansubbers from back in the day and they can't break away from their shitty memesub trash.
pretty sure Crunchyroll just hires literally anyone that applies
I say this because:
>Sometimes their subs are clearly done by someone who doesn't even understand basic japanese grammar, see Symphogear S5
>3 years ago when I was job hunting I actually found an offer from them and the only thing they wanted to know how fast you can shit a script out