Protagonist is a homosexual pedophile

>Protagonist is a homosexual pedophile

Name a worse trope

Attached: 1568185037058.jpg (400x400, 36K)

Protagonist is a heterosexual pedophile

Attached: -34682102827030.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

Is this the most reposted webm on Any Forums?

Protagonist is a male in isekai

at least then it's honest. seems like lesbian pedophiles are used to mask the self-insert nature so the audience can be in denial about what they are

>Name a worse trope

Attached: funny.png (1280x720, 934.28K)

To this day I still don't know if this is a man or a woman, so my brain instantly registers it as disgusting.

>Harem protag is scared of women
Ffs grow some balls already.

Attached: MV5BMmVhYTM2ZWUtNWFmYi00ZjI0LWJkZTQtZWEwYzQwODU4ZDY5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzgxODM4NjM@._V1_.jpg (800x1200, 236.02K)

This dude is trash

>Male character speaks to or even acknowledges the existence of a female character and shipper peanut brains instantly go to work

She is also very creepy, keeps touching Kanna and is visibly aroused by her
If a guy did that he’d be in jail

nothing tops pedophilia as the worst trope but any harem elements is a close second

>nothing tops pedophilia as the worst trope but any harem elements is a close second
… that’s 99% of anime

Pic unrelated btw

yes it's very over used and sickening

Attached: jashin disappointed disgust cringe unimpressed.jpg (1920x1080, 779.01K)

You literaly posted an underage coded character from a harem, you hypocrite

Citation needed.

I am requesting evidence.

Attached: -18324400908738.jpg (946x675, 101.84K)

>You literaly posted an underage coded character from a harem, you hypocrite

Attached: 1660084288647684.gif (690x450, 588.87K)

>Citation needed
OP's fantasies

How can a pedo be hetero? I don't get it