I recently found out about "Diesel" (pic related) an american comic with one issue from 1997 that blatantly plagiarizes Jojo's bizarre adventure.
Anyone know of more cases like this where american media straight up rips shit from japan (particularly when the source material is relatively unknown to western audiences)?
Westerners shamelessly ripping off anime/manga
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Lion king
Literally the only thing they have in common is that the main character is a lion.
He's not even called Kimba in japan he's called Leo.
His left hand is huge. Like wojack meme huge.
Darren aronofsky made a career ripping off Satoshi Kon.
I wish we had /mc/ - Manga and Comics. No fucking adaptations. No marvel movies, gay cartoons, video games or half-assed tank ads. Just manga and comics.
granted but you must also have /ac/ Anime and Cartoons
No. Any Forums is saturated with anime and Any Forums is saturated with cartoons and movies. They are covered. If anything, we need a /cs/ - Superhero Movies as well.
>Westerners shamelessly ripping off anime/manga
How about we post some doing it the other way around.
Mangaka ripping off greater western films/comics/literature.
I know, it was a joke.
Snow White and the Huntsman blatantly rips off Princess Mononoke.
They are nothing alike
It becomes embarrassing when you realize how often their ripoffs are better than ours.
No. I don't want capeshitters nowhere near the same board.
You have them in Any Forums already because global marketing.
>Oh no common cinematic tropes
it is kinda fucking stupid that they lumped comics and cartoons together on the same board
It was originally just to contain a broad category of non-Japanese shit that was widely memed. Mostly Simpsons and Deadpool. But now we have more gaijin boards than not.
are Stands a thing in this comic?
it could be a homage or joke
like that Assassin Creed 2 character who introduces himself like this