Bad official translations

>Japanese name is "Asuperu Kanojo"
>Literally "My Aspie Girlfriend"
>Official English translation is "That's My Atypical Girl"
Why the fuck do they always do this shit?
I'm actually slightly offended as someone who has aspergers; I'm not just "weird", it's a real thing

Attached: ThatsMyAtypicalGirl_vol_1_00.jpg (1500x2250, 155.24K)

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evil cant create, only destroy

Nobody said anything about "weird", sperg-kun. You should know your condition might give you trouble with language, don't blame it on others.

>titles should be translated literally
Weird idea.

Isn't aspergers actually considered an outdated diagnosis, or something? Like nowadays isn't it just part of the autism spectrum instead of a separate thing?
That being said, they'd obviously catch shit with a title like "My aspie girlfriend"
Various permutations of aspergers/autism have been insults for years now, a localization like that would absolutely get them negative press.

She literally has aspergers

>Various permutations of aspergers/autism have been insults for years now, a localization like that would absolutely get them negative press.
I hate Americans

Yes Aspergers is outdated but I'd rather be called an aspie than an autist for frankly obvious reasons

>Isn't aspergers actually considered an outdated diagnosis, or something?
>isn't it just part of the autism spectrum
But if you break your humerus, you don't want the diagnosis to be "broken bone", or "messed up arm". Either description would be true, but not sufficiently accurate for good treatment.

Titles are not meant to be summaries. Are you an LN author?

No, that's not weird at all. You're not the author.

Why exactly do you think translators' names are advertised so much? Sometimes on the front page right next to the original author?

Titles are more about their impact and flow than about being accurate.
Translating it literally would be a mistake.

It's evil can't create only corrupt

Stop beating around the bush and admit that you don't want to translate it because the term is offensive.

Bitch, I call myself an aspie or autistic in public. Don't assume nonsense.

>the term is offensive
Aspie isn't offensive
Americans just have this weird thing where they periodically create new ""less offensive"" terms for things to virtue signal

>Why the fuck do they always do this shit?
American mediums have an agenda on that, I don't want to talk Any Forums crap in Any Forums but it's an issue that cannot be ignored.
>I'm actually slightly offended as someone who has aspergers
(((They))) don't really care about (You) user. It's all for their benefit on the long run. This is one of the reasons you should buy directly from jap source even if you won't be able to read it, if you need some TL just search for it online. No one can say shit to you because YOU ARE supporting the author/s.

Attached: 1618944958937.png (296x262, 66.05K)

Unironically I own about the first 12 volumes of asuperu in Japanese, but I was looking into the English translations since the scanlations are really slow

Making up a new title would be a mistake. I would only care about a translator name if it's to avoid someone who is known to be bad.

>Making up a new title would be a mistake
No. It's common practice, and not just for Japanese media.
The same phrases do not carry the same weight across different languages. Or even sound natural.

Common practice doesn't mean it's something I want to see, regardless of what the original language was.

In this case it does though
Asper Kanojo is a 1 to 1 translation of My Aspie Girlfriend
Even to the point that Asper is slang

For some reason, "what this particular user wants to see", is not, by law, the way that things have to be.
You're just that. Some random dude.