Scanlation thread

Scanlation thread

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Comments and views in two weeks.

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>mom found the screentone folder

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Are you really sure you want comments, given the shit flinging history and censorship?

The shit flinging is half the reason I want them back, yes.

>mfw initially thought I might miss the comments after ceasing uploads to MD in early 2020
>but then the site repeatedly shat itself shortly after anyway, for months at a time
>and in the end, no more comments for anyone at all


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Where to upload if I don't want to use Trannydex?

It's the only other aggregator that allows user uploads unless you have a deadoka account so not much choice. Besides r*ddit.

Switching from MD to Faketoto is like switching from the frying pan to the fire.

I really don't understand why so much shit is on botnetoto and not on the cat. The site is worse for basically everything besides comments.

I guess because malwaretoto has scrapers and md relies on people uploading shit? has a lot of reuploaded officially published manga.

I was more referring to the scanlators that upload their shit on it instead of MD.

Some people just have an irrational hate boner for MD. A waste of time dwelling on it.

Just quit my design agency.
All good but they're taking the work pc they provided for me and cancelling my access to the company adobe license.

Back to piracy my dudes. I still have my amtlib.dll stored on a USB somewhere.

They will be even more reddit than they were before.

I'm sick of uploading chapters into the void, that's all. I miss the 10-15 comments I'd get on whatever I uploaded, no matter how niche.

People actually do that? Who exactly did Grumpy's auction sell the domain to? the userface was basically the mangapark/mangawindow one.

I remember during the switch there was all that loli porn on the early doki dex

Honestly I feel the same although I more miss being able to talk to one TS I knew that I lost contact with since the message server is out too.

>I remember during the switch there was all that loli porn on the early doki dex
It's all still there thankfully

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