What makes Spy x Family so popular with women?

What makes Spy x Family so popular with women?

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father daughter companionship that most women lack

shota on loli sex when

I think it's because there's an aryan hunk spy, which cooks btw.

Oh, both mother and daughter are perfect self-inserts somehow.

It's about a hot guy taking care of his family.

Women literally only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting

>What makes Spy x Family so popular with men?

Does that mean Any Forums is full of women?

>chad MC,
>future tsundere ouji sama 6 year old
> a cute autist and a dumb peanut to self insert as.
>cute sadistic little bro with a sexy uniform
Good fashion style.
>Frankincel at Bondcel getting BTFOed regularly

Why would anyone self-insert as Anya?

The rich bad boy is in love with her

mediocre "poorfag" who doesn't fit in manages to smitten the super rich and popular tsundere.
Basic shoujo recipe that always works.

It's unfunny.

You will never be a man.

Retarded womens feels related

>90% of the drawings on this board are women
>Everyone talks about girly shit like how "cute" something or someone is
>Frequent spergouts, likely due to overflowing emotions

Connect the dots

Every time I've heard a woman talk about it in my real life, they always used the term "found family", so I imagine it's probably that.

no its not wtf

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>Written by an assistant who’s worked with shoujo mangakas in the past
>A character (Damian) is inspired by Tsukasa Domyouji, a shoujo character
>Wish fulfillment for both genders (forming a family)
I don’t know. You tell me.

She's a small Usagi

Badass spy is as much a plus for men as for women.