I thought you were gone for real this time
I thought you were gone for real this time
What region user? I could post until about an hour ago
we were gone?
I just got on. What happened?
It's Any Forums's fault again, isn't it?
Schizo thread?
Board keeps flaking out and we can't connect
im never gonna leave you user on god frfr
What happened this time? Did the site go down again?
i think when this place eventually goes down for real i might just kill myself unironically
like id give it a month and if no real replacement showed up that would be it for me
Maybe consider doing literally anything else than spending all your time on imageboards. If /a is the only board you browse, your life must be unbelievably empty. This place has been shit for years.
user this place is a glowie honeypot, you really should look fo alternatives.
if this place goes down for real I'd probably head for mathchan or one of the other altchans
Did it happened again? Also dubs
It's happening a lot lately is this place finally dying
haha, dubs :)
You fuckers should've gone for real this time.
Remember when people went to 7chan to shitpost when the site went down? They must miss those days cause no one goes there when Any Forums goes down now.
lol :)
funny, dubs :)
haha, dubs :)
dubs lol :)
How much time do you faggots spend here that you’re so traumatized by an hour of downtime?
dunno lol. Also dubs :)
haha dubs :)
haha :)
lol :)
This site will never die because no one with any brains wants the containment boards going to the normalfag Internet
Why won't you die!?