What do you think of long haired Kana?

What do you think of long haired Kana?

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Long hair is better than short hair, always. No matter how good short hair is, long hair is always better. No matter how bad long hair is, short hair is always worse.

a slight downgrade. short hair works for petite girls.

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Still the best.

I love Kana so fucking much

short hair >>>>> long hair
however any Kana is cute I miss her

Hatless Kana

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Still cute but I prefer short hair

Superior to short hair Kana.

Any Kana is the best Kana.

My Star

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After 30years of watching anime and reading manga, I'm kinda ambivalent to it all. There's really no strong feelings of positivity or negativity, just a mellow temperament. An anime or manga might be new, but it's a story I've already seen, read or heard a million times by now.

Mengo also did short hair Akane.

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And twins.

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Still ugly
This should have been an incest manga

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Kana is always cute

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