
Is powerscaling a taboo subject on this board? I rarely see it being discussed on here. It probably comes up the most in Dragon Ball threads, but I do not read those so I don't know
>inb4 powerscaling is retarded anyway
I mostly agree, and I'm not really advocating for it. I'm just wondering why it isn't more prevalent on this board?
>inb4 newfag
I've only been on this board for around 2 years, so I don't really know the ins and outs perfectly

Attached: god.jpg (970x544, 29.65K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>why it isn't more prevalent on this board?
Any Forums is an 18+ board.

It's boring and redundant. I usually don't care about the series that are involved in that sort of discussion. Plus it's pretty much obvious whether a character is "x" level or not. Debates around it is usually cope.

OPM is not a series for that of discussion since it's mocking Shounen for exactly that sort of thing

fair point
most of the time this is true, other times it's harder to pin down just how powerfully a character is due to a lack of visible feats. Pic related is a good example. Other than a few key points, he doesn't appear in this form often and doesn't really flex his power much either (not like he really needs to at this point). I've seen him scaled from city block to multiversal and everything in between. Thinking about that is actually what gave me the idea for this thread
true, I just got impatient looking for an image that would even vaguely fit the subject

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I genuinely like discussing powerlevel and powerscaling shit, but sometimes I type something out, then delete it all because it seems too pathetic even for Any Forums.

Caring about powerscaling = brown person

funny you say that because I was originally gonna say
>inb4 powerscaling is for spics

It's important for stopping shit like tambourine stomping SSG Goku, but gets autistic pretty fast

I was actually rewatching early episodes of some shonen shows like Dragon Ball, YYH, Bleach etc after talking about them with a friend and it really is just astounding how more impactful the fights feel when it's an actual fight and not just shooting beams at each other. Even when they did bust out a kamehameha it just kind of felt like it was much more of a big deal.

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lol at least you are an honest skin

I can get theorycrafting about something shrouded in mystery and has a lot of variables to consider within the narrative. It's just that most mentions of powerscaling is mostly relegated to talk about whether someone's favorite character can out-muscle the other where people usually hit dumb roadblocks in the converstations.

Because its devolves into genuine shitflinging because both sides cannot come into an agreement at times. Then it will turn into a non ending argument until one person gives up. Its just another level of autism thats not really worth getting into when discussing a series.

One punch man is just about a man that reached the end game before everyone else and everyone else is at the beginning.

Everytime I've ever seriously tried to discuss powerlevels/ranking I always get replies retyping my post in spanish

The issue is that mangakas don't care. Goku could destroy the universe but gets shot. Saitama is purposely op yet he can't hit a mosquito. The story always comes first and powerscaling is just a headcanon. Watch DB or Seth the programmer and see how they make kratos universal
+ and link OP based on nothing

>most of the time this is true, other times it's harder to pin down just how powerfully a character is due to a lack of visible feats. Pic related is a good example. Other than a few key points, he doesn't appear in this form often and doesn't really flex his power much either (not like he really needs to at this point). I've seen him scaled from city block to multiversal and everything in between. Thinking about that is actually what gave me the idea for this thread
When it comes to scaling, feats, statements, the overall size of the cosmology/context itself has to be taken account when it comes to scaling. For instance, dragon ball characters can scale to multiversal level because of how big the cosmology is in that series along with official material backing up such thing. But it all comes down to how you argue about it, but often times discussions about it will turn iffy and not worth getting into at times depending on who you're arguing with.

Other than reasons stated by previous posts, it's also because Any Forums actually watches anime and thus knows more about characters who transcends the powerscale faggotry.
(picrel is not the best example, i just want to post haruhi).

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powerscaling is talked about in a series own thread and not usually in a general sense.
The topic is only ever mentioned when it's done horribly or when people are surprised it hadn't been an issue

Seen this first hand on other sites
>"X solos lol"
>"Nuh uh! Y negs the verse!!1!"
>50 comments later
>Still arguing about whether the cumblast 9000 attack is city block or small town level
>50 more comments
>Argument devolves into thousand word diatribes detailing the intricacies of why the analstretcher move means the protag is FTL+, why anyone who disagrees is a retarded nigger, and why X character still Solos Y verse

>Goku limpia el jugo del culo de un gringo detrĂ¡s de El Camino Real y luego se lame los dedos.

You're talking about vsbattles?

It gets even worse when you get into "hax" characters with seemingly infallible abilities like GER or anything from VNs.

I was referring to some shit I saw in the comment section of a seththeprogrammer video I watched a while ago, but I'm sure similar conversations are happening all over the internet as we speak.
God I can only imagine

Nasu broke those idiots.

Also, why do powerscalers have zero comprehension of the concept of infinity? The amount of times I have heard "X has infinite speed, but Y is faster bc they are faster than infinite speed!!" has probably given me some kind of early onset dementia

Those guys try too hard at chunni statement. They should stop thinking too hard on those kind of things.

Discussions about power scaling will devolve to Any Forums-tier discussions. Why do you think that media criticism hasn't bothered with this power scaling thing since times immemorial?