ITT: Manga that will never get an Anime

For better or worse, not all Manga get adaptations.

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Who cares?


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Obviously any and all axed manga

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Hagure Idol Jigokuhen, because family-related issues with the mangaka.

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Kongo Bancho was a fun read, but the ending arc was one of the worst I've ever seen.

>family-related issues
Isn't that the guy who got arrested for buying children porn?

I think you are referring to Nobuhiro Watsuki, Booty Royale was Rui Takato's making.

Sengoku Youko
Spirit Circle

Were you reading as it was being published? I remember finishing it in less than a week and the ending was pretty neat, scenes like the giant dude punching his big brother so hard he circumnavigates the globe in a couple of seconds or when it seemed like the MC was sacrificing himself for his friends only for him to survive by sheer desire of having a happy life were spectacular.

Can confidently say that it's NEVER EVER getting one, not in a million years.

The author literally made it to spite the manga industry.
He was angry over the fact that manga was a disposable form of art, something you can read every week and then forget about, so he wanted to create something so majestic, so profoundly beautiful that there's no way you could just read it and move on to the next thing/throw it in the trash.
He wanted to create something that would stick with the readers for as long as possible.

He comes off as pretty autistic/arrogant about it too but it's still kind of commendable cuz yeah it looks good, even though the story is up its own ass most of the time.

Vagabond is also never getting one.
Anything that's too picturesque will never/should never be adapted.

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Most of Hirohiko Araki's Pre-JoJo works. Besides, are already have a damn good Baoh OVA.

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Anything by FKMT that's not Kaiji or Akagi.


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This is just photo-bashed.

Hasn't the series been on hiatus since 2015. Besides, making an even remotely faithful adaptation would either be too uncanny valley, too cost prohibitive, or too far beyond our technology.

I want an Sumire 16 anime so bad for two reasons. It would be great to see Sumire in motion and I also want more people to know how good this is. Most of my friends and people I met are adamant in not reading mangas.

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this is literally just a filtered photo and the character used 3d models lol


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Too cool for one imo.

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