How much "executive meddling" is there in anime and manga...

How much "executive meddling" is there in anime and manga? I'm curious about both general practices and specific examples

>Kazuhiko Torishima, Akira Toriyama's editor for Dr. Slump and the first half of Dragon Ball, felt that the Dragon Ball anime's ratings were gradually declining because it had the same producer that worked on Dr. Slump. Torishima said this producer had this "cute and funny" image connected to Toriyama's work and was missing the more serious tone in the newer series, and therefore asked the studio to change the producer.

>Impressed with their work on Saint Seiya, he asked its director Kōzō Morishita and writer Takao Koyama to help "reboot" Dragon Ball, which coincided with Goku growing up. The new producer explained that ending the first anime and creating a new one would result in more promotional money, and the result was the start of Dragon Ball Z.

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Naruto was almost all editor meddling, it should have the editors name in the credits over Kishimoto
There's also a conspiracy theory that says that Steel Ball Run was written by Shueisha editors trying to save Araki

And they did good, Dragon Ball Z is one of the most loved animes around the world today.

I still can't believe just how much a good editor can help a shit manga. If Horikoshi had Kishimoto's editors at the beginning MHA whould have been one of the greatest Jump manga ever.


If a manga I like goes bad it's executive meddling
If I don't like a manga then the author is a hack

Successful, but not necessarily good

The only editorial meddling in SBR's case was forcing Araki to distance it from Jojo. If you noticed, SBR did not mention the fact that it was part 7 until it moved out.

Loved =/= good, no idea why you bothered to interject

>"cute and funny"

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it makes sense to me, how is a mangakai going to think up a good everything, and draw and write it, in the timeframe given? it can't, name a single 10/10 manga

>Kazuhiko Torishima
the real brains behind the success of dragon ball. Thank god for editors

>There's also a conspiracy theory that says that Steel Ball Run was written by Shueisha editors trying to save Araki
well judging by the absolute piles of shit that part 6 and part 8 are I can see this being true

DB's influence was already monumental by then, the parts that turned into DBZ just made a lot of money and South American childhoods, they added very little except reach

Torishima was the only man who could properly tardwrangle Toriyama and give us kino like early Dragon Ball and Dr. Slump.

He was literally in charge until after the Piccolo arc and even after still had influence over the manga

I love little girls they make me feel so good
I love little girls they make me feel so bad
When they're around they make me feel
Like I'm the only guy in town
I love little girls they make me feel so good

They don't care if I'm a one way mirror
They're not frightened by my cold exterior

They don't ask me questions
They don't want to scold me
They don't look for answers
They just want to hold me
Isn't this fun
Isn't this what life's all about
Isn't this a dream come true
Isn't this a nightmare too

(Repeat first verse)

They don't care about my inclinations
They're not frightened by my revelations

Uh oh take a second take
Uh oh it's a mistake
Uh oh I'm in trouble
Uh oh the little girl was just too little
Too little, too little, too little
Isn't this what life's all about
Isn't this a dream come true
Isn't this a nightmare too . . .

And I don't care what people say
And I don't care what people think
And I don't care how we look walking down the street

(Repeat Chorus)

(Repeat first verse)

Attached: 1659489268980.gif (720x405, 3.82M)

the author is always a hack user.

>DB's influence was already monumental by then
Before he took over and changed it into a juggernaut, it was a middling Jump manga slowly falling down the rankings.
He understood what it took to turn it into something the, let's say, impressionable readership of the magazine would eat up like it was candy.

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It's villainized too much. Clearly there's some appeal to Z and, even if popular is not good, which-no one asked-I could turn tables and point popular is not necessarily bad.
It's Devil's Proof. No matter how much universal appeal the series has, I cannot prove to you that Z is good. Neither can you prove that Z is bad, though, and no, acting contrarian is not a proof.