What did she mean by making this face, Any Forums?

Also, Saber thread.

Attached: blushing saber.jpg (1920x1080, 221.14K)

Deen Saber best Saber!

I like Mordred.

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>What did she mean by making this face, Any Forums?
Go back to the kitchen Shirou, you dense motherfucker.

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You're a man of good taste!

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>Saber thread
Siegfried Best Saber

Kirito and Alice training for the Holy Grail War.

Attached: kirito_alice_holy_grail_war.jpg (1280x720, 69.01K)

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Your king is a puppet!

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Imagine the mana transfer sessions

>shirou-sama can I consume mana from people to be able to fight properly?
>shirou-sama can we take over the temple because of its strategic value?
>>my friend lives there, so no
>shirou-sama can we wait for the other masters to kill each other before joining in?
>>berkerker is already at our door, so no
She wouldn't stand a chance with this twerp.

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Let's be honest, Shirou would either would be dead from lack of magical energy from summoning all of them, or they'd all be incredibly weakened.