
What are your expectations for arc 7? Can it be redeemed? And what do you expect Rem's role to be in the finale?

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>What are your expectations for arc 7?
More bullshit
>Can it be redeemed?
>And what do you expect Rem's role to be in the finale?
Capital guard stress relief

Ram and Rem will fuse into Rim, the purple haired onii goddess

She's gonna die

>Capital guard stress relief
Hot! Its a crime that there's no actual rape depicted in extreme detail.
>Ram and Rem will fuse into Rim, the purple haired onii goddess
Does she kill using Rimjobs?

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I'm starting to wonder if Vincent is actually going to end up back on the throne.
>Can it be redeemed?
I haven't disliked it so far so I don't really think it needs redeeming.
>And what do you expect Rem's role to be in the finale?
"Princess" in the castle, pick you fairy tale of choice for a parallel.

Subaru will decend Vollachia into a fit of insanity.
It doesn't need to be redeemed.
Rem will probably be the mediator.

>"Princess" in the castle, pick you fairy tale of choice for a parallel.
So will Tappei ruin her like he did Moblia? Just a plain damsel in distress for Subaru to rescue?

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What happened to the previous thread?

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>What happened to the previous thread?
There was never a previous thread, its all on your imagination, user.
He will save arc 7

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Generals are not allowed on Any Forums for good reason, continuous threads just breeds cancerous behavior and diminishing thread quality. Just look at here, snk, dbz, and the other continuous ongoing threads. The word “edition” is vocabulary used for generals. However there is no rules against pretty much continuous threads about a series, you just can’t make them generals.

Did you post this image for Rem or for the feet?

>Capital guard stress relief
It'd be so good if we got a bad timeline where Rem or Emilia got raped in extreme detail. A shame Tappei is too much of a pussy to write one.

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You're sick, I would hate it.

His taste is shit. Ram needs to be raped too

You'll get Subaru and you'll like it.

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Is Rem from Fate?

>what do you expect rem's role to be in the finale?
Getting mogged by Emilia, just like the rest of the story

You're sick too, go find treatment you sick person.

Agreed, Ram is just asking to be raped.

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>>What are your expectations for arc 7?
there will be

Groovy Gumlet is the only thing that can save us from the deranged mods.

How does that work? If you ask to be raped then it isn't really rape then is it?

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No. You’re thinking of Mash.

I thought Mash was from FGO

bangers and mash

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