One Piece

We are leaving Wano, Law and Kid behind, how are you feeling about that?

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Uta is a miracle of the universe

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YamatCHADS won.

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Reposting from last thread, since I didn't get an answer.

Genuine question, I only got caught up recently.
What was the reason for Yamato's inclusion? She shows up kinda late in the game, during the raid, and I don't think her existence was foreshadowed at all. She runs around, and does yell at Kaido a bit, but doesn't really do anything significant. She might've been stalling Kaido, and I just missed it, but I genuinely don't remember.
It;s entirely possible that there just isn't a reason yet, but I figured I'd ask just to get a read of the room.

This is a WINNER'S thread only

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I like law but he was beginning to wear out his welcome. Kidd is a shitty faggot and one of the most forced characters in one piece

Don't care. I only want raws.

God I wish I could get pumped full of Zoro's cum

Shut up Hiyori the Straw Hats already left.

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Buggy is going to become the Pirate GOD.

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Good it's time for Queen Bonnie and Emperor Urouge

Some tard asked me to cap him and said he'd quit the manga if Yamato joins.

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anus doodoo


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Caribou won

>here's how we can still join

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Joining, she's the joiner who joins.

What was your favourite Wano 1v1?

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Carrot!! You MUST move forward and by that I mean travel to two (2) islands and then become the guardian of Zou!!!

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They were all shit.

Now that Yamato is confirmed joining, are you ready for Oden wank EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER?

>still no full raws
what are they hiding

Do you agree with this question: Wano was a meme arc that was taylor-made for reddit

Everyone has their turn to shine.
Sadly Carrot's turn was the one time she used Sulong in WCI (by her own admission).

Red Herring so people will think she's joining the crew, throwing them off the other candidates

who's taylor?

We can focus in good supernovas now

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It wasn't as good as Dressrosa or Whole Cake if that's what you mean.

who's taylor?

I don't know but he made Wano so fuck him.


Why did Oda regress Katakuri's character?

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They were pretty shit. Robin fight, maybe?

Kid and Law vs Big Mom.


>Caribou on the ship
Didn't he try that before and got found instantly?

That’s my last name so I feel lowkey attacked since I liked it

Zoro/King was pretty good.
Kid/Law vs Big Mom was great.
I enjoyed Robin vs. Spider Lady.

They were all shit.

>The scene changes, Carrot arrives because she was called by Inuarashi and Nekomamushi. Inu tells her to become the King of Mokomo Dukedon,, at first Carrot reacted with a "King? Yaay okay” as if she didn’t give it too much importance until she realized what they were talking about and ends up saying that she doesn’t want because there is no way she can do it.
>Inu and Neko tells her that they are going to stay in Wano to protect Momo as samurais and she is one of the few talented people who has gone to overseas, so she should have what is needed for the next era. Carrot still complains saying that a stronger person would be better but Shishilian appears saying that their duty is the protection of the country. Wanda tells her that she will support her and that this is the decision of the dukes, plus she inherited Pedro's will. The scene ends with Nekomamushi saying that he will leave Zou to them.

Even Carrot realises she doesn't deserve this LMAO

>We are leaving Wano, Law and Kid behind, how are you feeling about that?
Relieved. Kid barely did anything, but thank fuck we're finally moving on from Law. He's long since outlived his welcome. I'm glad Wano is finally wrapping up and we can move on to something else; hopefully with just the Strawhats for a while.

Nika Luffy vs Baseddo
Big Meme vs Law/Kid
Jinbe vs Who's Who
Sanji vs Queen

Basically its filler a complete waste of 4 years.

Serious answer, she is to be the Oden parallel. Someone connected with Wano who will be with the strawhats when One Piece is found, just like Oden left to go with Whitebeard, and later Roger.

According to the spoilers we have now he doesn’t get on the ship. Heck I don’t know if we even see the Sunny

They were all bad.
>Jinbe vs Who's-Who devolved into a lore dump
>Franky vs Sasaki wasn't enjoyable
>Brook didn't do anything
>Chopper was running around screaming and being a doctor. Should have helped Sanji fight against Queen or fought him solo
>Zoro vs King was alright at best
>Luffy vs Kaido was meh
>Robin vs Black Maria was only good for the demon appearance
>Nami ran away screaming until Big Mom helped
>Usopp ran away screaming until Big Mom helped
I are disappoint


>Kidd scowling while taking the effort to hold out his arm for luffy

why is he such a tsundere

Sad, They’re both better than Odenmato