The best part has yet to start. Togashi will change Any Forums forever!
Hunter x Hunter
It will look like a different manga. Like a switch between Jojo parts.
>bring AR to exam
>still fail
Lol, lmao
I'm impressed togashi managed to make someone look so empty and evil and yet remain chaotic neutral at the same time. We've had other psychopaths before (hisoka, chrollo) but none of them are quite like this.
remember that actual chinese hobo who accidentally became an internet meme and fashion icon in the late 2000's?
What do you think this guy's nen ability is
My beautiful wife that lost because of a pedo with nen
These are fly
Here's your wife bro
I hadn't really thought of it before now, but how would Kurapika and Illumi interact if they were to meet each other on the boat? Would Illumi take issue with Kurapika, since he is one of Killua's friends? He's on the job, so I suppose he might not right now. Kurapika also doesn't seem like he'd pursue any sort of grudge, even if he was made aware that Illumi was a Spider now.
Skill Hunter and Bookmark.
I'm more interested in Hisoka has already contacted him to talk about how they're going to distribute the kills or if they're doing it independently on a first come first serve basis.
Is Hisoka only in it to kill chrollo and want to eliminate the rest for practical purposes or does he want to savor the revenge?
It is precisely 4 meters because it represents and embodies the four fundamental forces of the universe.
>No bu na ga
A name with four components
>Lagrange's four-square theorem states that every positive integer can be written as the sum of at most four square numbers
Do you not see?
>Nature itself is treated as four-dimensional
His En covers all
>Proof that this relates to his En range?
I have discovered a truly marvelous proof of this, which this margin is too narrow to contain
Kurapika doesn't care about Spiders who weren't involved in the massacre. Funny that Pika can chain jail Illumi now though.
They likely do not care about the other much at all. Kurapika gave up on eliminating the Phantom Troupe in Yorknew and he considers getting the last of the eyes the end of his mission. He'd be incredibly hostile towards a Yorknew-era Spider and likely try killing/capturing them, but he knows the Zoldycks are Killua's siblings and that they didn't participate in the Kurta slaughter.
Illumi joined to kill Hisoka, and that's his job. Killing Killua's friends would do nothing at this point, and only make his brother hate him even more.
I love my cute wife Neon
she's 16 years old and grew up coddled by her father and therefore has a mental age of 12 you sick fuck
Guess their powers
I thought she was 23
Nobunaga is just an urban legend
4m with shoes and lifts on
Gon: short and fat
Killua: long and skinny
Kurapika: smooth
Leorio: extremely average
Hisoka: pornstar-tier
Chrollo: curved
Gon's is massive.
When characters talk about his IMMENSE potential, they are not talking about his Nen.