Who is the most messed up "mad scientist" character type in anime/manga?

Who is the most messed up "mad scientist" character type in anime/manga?

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Is Alita worth reading? Are there any cool male characters? I never really cared for female leads cause they're usually written like shit

alita is not female she is a martian tumor

>Is Alita worth reading?
Very, it has a neat story, beautiful visuals and every character is entertaining and has a great desing
> Are there any cool male characters?
Almost every character is male in the first series, the drama comes from Alita finding her place in the world while feeling admiration, love, pride, etc, on all the people she meets
Either him or Orochimaru, I really like the trope of the mad scientist obtaining immortality.

The space karate masters are pretty good.

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You should give it a try. Alita is one of those very few series that have actually enjoyable characters, male and female. I am pretty picky with characters, despite watching and reading a lot I find like one series per year that has characters that resonate with me. And yeah I agree, in most cases those characters are adult guys, they are the main reason I enjoy manga like Golden Kamuy as much.

Nina Einstein from Code Geass.

No it’s probably to smart 4 you


The fairies in Jintai.

I love Nova, he is such an entertaining genius asshole.

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Thanks I'll give it a try but I'm looking up now and there are multiple series. Is it all one continuous timeline?

Basically start with the first one that's just "Battle Angel Alita". The following series is "Last Order" which is a direct sequel, the third is "Mars Chronicles" which has a lot of prequel content about Alita's childhood, but I would read it in the publishing order, since you aren't meant to know about her past during the earlier series and it's still being published, so better read the finished series first.

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It goes like this
>Battle Angel Alita
>Last Order
>Mars Chronicles

The first series had a rushed ending which is not canon because the author thought he was about to die but he didn't, so it continued with the Last Order.

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>because the author thought he was about to die but he didn't
What the fuck I never heard about this before. What the hell happened?

Bondrewd from Made in Abyss is pretty good.

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>makes a thread with a question
>immediately answers that question with the pic he posted
way to thread/ your own thread OP
>Who is the SECOND most messed up "mad scientist" character type in anime/manga?


Nova is such a damn treat. Shame we've been stuck in Mars flashback hell for years and haven't seen him in forever.

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a man of taste, replacing his turboslut bodyguard with 2 bimbo clones of his archenemy for the luls was a master move.

I don't remember well, but the author was sick I thought he was about to pull a Miura, so he made a quick ending in like 3 chapters. He survived and the ending became non-canon.

>The first series had a rushed ending which is not canon because the author thought he was about to die but he didn't
so this is why!
i always wondered why the end of part one had been so rushed, the manga was godly good so the possibility of it being threaten with the axe was practically none existent in my mind

Did the author come out and say that the original ending wasn't canon? I don't think I've ever heard of this kind thing before sounds neat

He is the perfect mix of "Damn, he really deserve more funding" and "Damn, he really deserve a nuke".

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Literally, the Last Order began after Alita gets blown off.

nobody really knows why he rushed to the end, he is always vague about it, even in last years interviews he still avoid the reason.