A boy has the right to dream. There are endless possibilities stretched out before him...
Outlaw Star
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Genes new haircut ruins it
Sex with melfina.
am i the only one who gets creeped out by those pictures in the ED whats with them
I love outlaw star so much. I'm so sad we will never see anything like it again because japs are obsessed with teeny bopper protags and harmen isekais
Those words will always take me back to a better time
its not fair...
Pretty sure they're concept art for other parts of the setting. Not exactly sure how they fit in, but it is a pretty melancholic outro.
angel links fucking sucked
I keep trying to watch this and getting turned off by the annoying fucking catgirl. she's like the worst tenchi muyo character dropped into an otherwise enjoyable space-adventure anime
this show isnt for you
Thats just how anime was in the 90s
Only a few from the first ED. 2nd ED is better and has better pictures. Pic related gives me some kind of Phantasy Star vibes.
all of them creep me out
Toonami always had the best shit.
>"Nothing good could ever come from staying with normal people"