I dont get why he's so popular. He has absolutely no relationship with the protagonist whatsoever so everything he does rings hollow. Even the one thing everyone hypes him up(trolling) for is half assed.
Remember when he revealed how he planned Ichigo's entire life? remember when ichigo didnt give a single fuck about that? Of course, there was no reason for him to. Aizen didnt have any negative impact on his life. Aizen didnt ruin any of his relationships or kill any of his family so it doesnt even matter if he stalked Ichigo for 15 years because there are no consequences behind it. As far as Ichigo was concerned, hes still just some random dude in a fancy lab coat. Contrast this with Dio, Madara, Blackbeard, Makima, or even a villain as shit as Muzan who all had an actual impact on the lives of the protagonists who want to stop them.
Aizen fucking sucks
>hey look folks, its SPEEDY the SPEED READER! No one can read faster than him!
You just figured why they call him a troll villain
Agreed, he’s cool at first but his abilities and plan are beyond retarded. Almost every one of his various subordinates are way more interesting than him
Based retarded OP.
he is nothing more than a "looks weak but it's the villain and it's actually super strong!".
I wish people just liked him ironically for being insanely shit but sadly, I've seen enough retards to know that's not the case. There are far too many people who genuinely believe hes a good or even just entertaining villain which is just disturbing.
>He has absolutely no relationship with the protagonist whatsoever so everything he does rings hollow
uh bro Hitsugaya fucking hates Aizen
Nobody cares about bleach
He's what happens when idiots try to write a super genius. Its nothing but "Everything was totally planned and forseen guys! Just look how smart he is!"
>Remember when he revealed how he planned Ichigo's entire life?
No because that didnt happen
>it was so bs user took it out of his memory
Wrong you retard. Aizen didnt say "I planned your entire life" he said "Ive known about you since your birth", its different. Aizen at most planned like the last 6 months of his life
well, my tl might've been wrong all I know
Since when were you under the impression that Aizen was supposed to be a reliable villain?
>I dont get why he's so popular.
You don't have to, if you don't like him as a villain then that's all that should matter to you. I'll say why I think Aizen is a great villain. He's one of the smartest, one of the strongest characters in Bleach and very charismatic, basically he's a very imposing threat, seems like he has no weakness, I think that's an important part of a great villain. His dialogue is also very interesting, if you really think about why he says the things he says. He's also not "bad to be bad" or a polar opposite of the MC, or twist his moustache while laughing maniacally to seem despicable / make you want to hate him, makes him feel like he's a real person with goals.
>He has absolutely no relationship with the protagonist whatsoever so everything he does rings hollow.
I don't know what you exactly mean by "relationship" but a villain doesn't have to be this figure that's so deeply connected with the protagonist, some are and some aren't. Aizen and Ichigo have different goals so conflict is bound to happen. If you don't like that then that's you, I personally like it and I also like a villain like Makima.
>Aizen didnt have any negative impact on his life. Aizen didnt ruin any of his relationships or kill any of his family so it doesnt even matter if he stalked Ichigo for 15 years because there are no consequences behind it.
See picrel and I'll let you make a conclusion off of that, seems to me like you might not like Aizen cause you don't really care/pay attention to exactly what he says or why he says things. Also he did have a huge impact on Ichigo's life, but if you've read all of Bleach and made this post then whatever, either reread it or don't.
>Contrast this with Dio, Madara, Blackbeard, Makima, or even a villain as shit as Muzan who all had an actual impact on the lives of the protagonists who want to stop them.
Seems to me like you already know what kind of villain you like, you won't like Aizen then.
He was cool if you were following it as it came out. Hindsight ruins everything in bleach, so don't think too much about lame everything ends up being, just focus on what's cool at the time.
>Le epic it was planned all along
Shit writing
What tsukishima did is more fucked up.
>He has absolutely no relationship with the protagonist whatsoever
He literally created him
>Aizen didnt say "I planned your entire life" he said "Ive known about you since your birth"
in context it means the same damn thing. Aizen tries to psyche Ichigo out only for Ichigo to not react to this revelation whatsoever
Again, that doesnt matter because Ichigo neither knows nor cares about who he is. If he was an actual father figure in his life and actively raised him for the past 15 years then there might be a reason for Ichigo to freak out but he hardly knows the guy so there isnt