Is this shit for real?
Is this the endgame of harem inflation?
A hundred girls sounds like overkill.
They're going to make Yuuki Rito look like a total joke.
Is this shit for real?
Still not much compared to "world end harem" or "sleeping planet".
This is what happens when beta men make manga. They go too overboard with their Chad male fantasies.
It is fun
>world end harem
hahahahaha what a snore fest
Yuuki Rito IS a total Joke and a supreme pussy at that. Don't need other Romcoms to make Rito look like that.
I'm so fucking tired of every gf having to chime in and say something SILLY every time something happens
at least read the first chapter before posting
Isn't it a female duo?
male author, woman artist
The writer's gender isn't listed on mangaupdates, has it been stated somewhere that he's a man?
>They're going to make Yuuki Rito look like a total joke
He already is
This is a manga to heal the heart.
One of the authors is a woman
Sub human faggot
I guarantee a loser shonen nigger made this post
women make quick buck from subhuman haremfags and he dares to accuse anybody of being lower than a human
It's already at 20 girls and like 19 of them are actually good.
It's good.
Which one do you dislike, user?
This is a manga to make money off incels trying to escape reality.
It's an absurdist deconstruction
It treats the female characters better than many of the same (or different) genre do. It’s a male fantasy, but manages to be more respectful than usual.
You couldn't be satisfied with just one buzzword?
How is it respectful for a man to have a hundred women while each one of them only has one man?
I guess it MIGHT work if the 100 girls are all bisexuals and it ends up in a huge orgy, but it's still a scenario that requires excessive suspension of disbelief.