Was kusoelf one of the best comedies of the year (so far)?

Was kusoelf one of the best comedies of the year (so far)?

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Watch more than just one anime.

I'll watch when they remake with less Alvinabuse.


Alvin enjoys the abuse. It makes him stronger, as he is incapable of surviving any other sort of encounter.

A masterpiece. Didn't watch it past episode 2 though

Of course.

>Alvin enjoys the abuse
I think he tolerates it more than anything, beats being alone all the time I guess. Also helps his bully is a cute dark elf.

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it was good at 1.25 speed


Mushroom / Altargaia was the real MVP.

No, it was shit but it was charming and endearing shit If I didn't give a damn about the manga I'd have never given a damn about the anime

Not an argument

It made me laugh.

All the carla posting made me watch the anime. It was fun watching 1 episode a day in the mornings

Elf was cute.
Jokes were shit.
Still watched it for the elf.

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I need a 120 pages doujin of Alvin abusing Carla holes only for her to laugh at him at the end.


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No even close.

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