Kengan Omega
It's amazing how this series manages to get worse with every chapter.
>Yan is in the Inside
Okay so Worm clearly still has some kind of interest in the place, now can we get an answer to fucking what that is?
The worm is just a fucking disappointment. I have no hopes for their actual plans.
Hassad never.
Discussion around this trainwreak gets smaller every week
Made for full nelson
Wouldn't this temporary impersonation of a still living person shit actually be way harder and much more likely to fail than just killing and replacing?
I get Sandro is a huge pussy when it comes to killing non-villains, but give the worm at least one win from time to time.
why is comikike's reader so fucking shit
Too bad there aren't any scan links in the OP
doesn't make it any less offensively shit
Counterpoint: Nogi is a retard
>Hey Nogi can I enter this story ar-
This is why the military will use code words even for people they know.
Like we plan on today's code word being 7 and I say 4 then you say 3.
he's going to fight shen
I wouldn't think too deep on it, The Inside is a perfect place for a criminal to hang out in.
I know right? It used to garner 3~ full threads but now we have the pregame thread, chapter drops, then we have a chapter post thread and that's it.
T. tourist who dropped in on the waka vs fei threads once and thinks that was the standard
Good chapter. And a good fight is upcoming. Me gusta
for comfy seat?
Fucking good. Only redditors want 24/7 generals. Pre-45~ KO threads were just the chapter and maybe the raw. Until general making redditors kept spamming LE EPIC sen/gao threads for 1000th time
I can sorta see where she's coming from, the longer she's in Nogi's vicinity the probability that Nogi figures out who she really is approaches 1, but at the same time the likelihood of Nogi asking an errant question or Mana making an unexpected appearance is also quite high.
I agree, it's very sad, you should definitely stop going here and find other threads that respect your need for hype much better, may I suggest the CSM ones?
I'm actually liking these new Worms
I can't wait for Sandro to butcher them and make them job horribly
Do you guys think there's still a chance to use Lolong and making him look cool?
Like, Lolong fights Shen and wins
Feel like Cosmo loses this by ringout.
>striking is better - still not enough to take down Saw Paing
>gets a choke, Saw goes crazy and throws him off out the ring
Sow how does kiryuki work now? Did Kiryu ask Hanafusa to remake his DNA?
>tfw no sexy worm femboy bf who effortlessly impersonates women
/dbs/ might be more to your tastes