I love these dorks Any Forums
Why don’t they have more screen time? Surely the morals committee has more of an impact than the volleyball team no?
And I’ve been wondering, a tournament seems like it could take hours to finish, where do they use the bathroom?
>you will never see arisu use the boko museum bathroom
Life is suffering
The more characters you have, the less screentime everyone can get on average, but the higher the probability there are characters you like. It's like a fundamental fuck you from god.
>1 episode per year
guppies guppies uber alles
uber alles in der welt
They should’ve been the mcs
Worst company.
Is this within the school regulations?
For me it's Maho. The way she is not just loyal to her sister but is the first to recognize Miho's genius (other than perhaps Darjeeling) makes her the best commander of them all.
Her social skills seem to be lacking sometimes, though. Her team surely loves her, but with the possible exceptions of Erika and MAYBE Koume there seem to be few people she really is close with.
nothing wrong with that
>lacking social skills
Yeah.....isn't she great?
Which guppy takes the MESSIEST shits?
Mako. In her sleep.
I don't think she is close with Erika, I think Erika kind of worships her because Maho is top dog and heir to the Nishizumi school, so Erika isn't really into Maho as a person, but rather Maho's position in society.
But I think Maho is truly close with Miho and misses her tremendously. Even though Maho is the older sister, there's no jealousy between them because of their shared commitment to tankery which trains those sorts of things out. The only time Maho has raised her voice was with her mother for not giving Miho the credit she was due, and with Erika for not following Miho's commands unquestioningly as Maho would.
The best commander as far as the scoreboard goes is Darjeeling (the only commander to beat Miho, and she's done it twice), but I actually think Maho has the better understanding of tankery because she truly recognizes Miho's genius without hesitation gives herself over to it.