Do you read manga on your phone Any Forums?
Do you read manga on your phone Any Forums?
sometimes, its a worse experience than pc viewing though.
I used to, but I realized if I'm willing to read it on my phone but not my computer then it's not worth reading it at all.
I prefer on a tablet when I am laying on my bed.
Showing Shinka my blackmail pictures of her
Manga no
Manhwa and manhua yes
My phone has the Tachiyomi app. Why would I need anything else?
My phone is too small to comfortably read manga. I should get around to loading some onto the Kindle I picked up a while back, especially series that don't have English physical releases.
Only if I have to.
yes, sadly no nsfw because in public
I got her phone number and send her daily pictures of my black dick during break, she always gets impatient around then and as soon she gets a text notification she grabs her phone out of her pocket and goes off on her own and stares at it. I like to take sneak shots of her reactions to them
Shinka watching bestiality on her phne!
I don't even have a phone.
If I'm not home, I probably don't want to talk to you.
yes. I hated reading manga on pc in the 2000s and early 2010s. I enjoy reading while lying down in a comfortable position, and pc reading is awful
reading manga from a mobile device is far more intuitive and closer to an actual physical copy than pc reading will ever be
Yes, I even post from phone right now.
>*shinka readinc all the dick pics i send to her different social media accounts
Needing to zoom in to read tiny ass text makes me want to kill myself
used to, now i use a 10 inch tablet and feels good not having to zoom in constantyly
This, I might have to get one of those foldables when they're cheaper.
>having a phone
No, I am not a normie.
I don't
You definitely are.
Exclusively. It's my happy time at the end of the day