Will the industry ever achieve this level of soul again?
Is it even possible with today's production methods, where most artists probably couldn't make something hand-drawn if their life depended on it?
Will the industry ever achieve this level of soul again?
Is it even possible with today's production methods, where most artists probably couldn't make something hand-drawn if their life depended on it?
>Will the industry ever achieve this level of soul again?
The entire point was that her soul was her own thing, not industrially manufactured like the rest of her body.
Did you really miss the whole fucking point?
All anime is still hand drawn.
shitpost thread discarded
not sure if autist or high-functioning super-evolved autist
A digital tablet isn't hand drawn.
What dp you mean OP? Engage kiss is airing
Makoto is the best canon transgender character in anime history.
Anime is still drawn on paper, the coloring is what is done digitally.
Sure it is. By that logic they might as well be using woodblock prints
>Anime is still drawn on paper
Maybe basic storyboarding, but actual frames? Don't be retarded. Last big-budget hand drawn shit I recall was Redline. Might be a few arthouse pieces here and there but that's it.
Ok. Anime is still hand drawn.
You can keep flaunting your ignorance, I don't care enough to correct you.
You're wrong. And old anime was created using xerox machines so I guess those aren't hand drawn by your logic?
You're either shitposting or don't know what hand drawn animation refers to, わかった。
Alternative techniques, when used, were used sparingly.
You don't know what arthouse means.
Glad you admitted it.
>Alternative techniques, when used, were used sparingly.
You're either shitposting or don't know anything. What I referred to was standard in animation.
>he still thinks GitS was entirely hand-drawn
If you're referring to cel animation, say cel animation like a normal faggot.
I'm not referring to cel animation. Again, you don't know anything about this subject and everyone is laughing at you.
You're referring to bullshit then, good to know.
No, I'm clearly talking about the introduction of xerox which is a factor independent to cel.
Op doesn't know what he's talking about and is just another "muh traditional animation" retards baiters
user that's a movie.
Quite a few modern movies look pretty good. The problem is that they're not really interesting and not dark or gritty like 80s/90s movies were. And also this .
The actual frames are still handdrawn. The big difference between "modern" anime and "old" anime is that previously they would trace the genga (the hand-drawn frames) onto cels and paint them, whereas today they scan and then digitally trace/color the frames. The actual animation is all done by hand. The Redline 7 YEARS HAND DRAWN meme is just that -- a meme. Every anime is hand-drawn.
Do you by any chance suffer from a deficiency in the mental faculties?
artists today do not have the technical skill. you need really good draftsmanship in order to draw technical, mechanical animation like that or draw buildings like that or animate backgrounds.
They've probably lost the ability to do physical colour mixing too and can only do it on computer.
only retirees can animate like that probably.
the helicopter "animation" in the last few cuts is really bad. it's an embarrassment for a production that's so strong in other ways to include cuts like that