Houseki No Kuni

what was it all for?

Attached: houseki no cunny.jpg (1123x1600, 180.67K)

the plot lost me

saw this image in the last thread, did i miss a leak?

Attached: 1658869888158900.png (640x859, 267.46K)

That's obviously fanart user

It's obviously Nihei new manga, user.

now that i look at it it's obvious from the background and clouds
sorry i haven't slept in a while


It was all just a prank

To kill the moonies.

It was all for Aechmea. Overall the story so far is about a well-meaning fool who is exploited by a con-artist.

It was for the pursuit of truth.

It was all for a social experiment.

Road to hell is built on good intentions

I love him more.

It's amazing, my relationship with this series has always been very intense obsession for short to middle time and then willful ignorance, i've probably went through all the episodes, chapters, ost repeatedly in relatively short terms several times per year.

Curiosity killed the cat

what you get for seeking

Someone post that fanart gushing over how cute this newest Phos is

Burning bridges

Attached: FYimhvnXEAk8YDF.jpg (3194x2875, 695.42K)

If someone called new Phos cute would it undo 10,400 years of character development?