Spoilers any minute now
Boku no Hero Academia
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Bakugo LOST
As an anime-only fag that’s currently on S4, I need to know… does frog have any chance at winning dekubowl?
Can Shigaraki just die already? What an awful villain
Sweet can't wait for the disappointment
No, I’m sorry user. She knows Uraraka likes him, and even if she had a crush on him too, she’d probably keep it to herself for their sake.
The Chunk has all but won
No, there's too much competition
zero chance
don't know how you'd make it to season 4 and still think she had a chance
People are saying someone died this chapter, could it be Endeavor!?
Idk man, frog keeps getting cuter
Deku wants to fuck her hair, doesn’t he
>Believing any one dying in MHA
You guys are too easy
If anyones dying it's one of the literal whos, so Suneater or Nejire
Toga will win and become a hero.
>implying deku has enough test to even jerk off let alone fuck
deku will molest bakugo in this chapter
>Caring about midnight's death when the author barely does
Like I said- too fucking easy
Spoilers when?
theyre out already
Deku will never have sex with you, bakutranny
The leaker didn't even say anyone died you retards
if you were the editor, and knew this could've happened, what would you change to make it less shit.
Yakuza and festival arcs are practically filler
The best part is she had actual character development and relevance to the plot in the spinoff
Spoilers? Now? It’s more likely than you think
So was the edgy deku arc, and Stars and Stripes
hope his clothes get disintegrated this chapter
Why would you even want any girl to be paired up with that pathetic cuck of a MC?
getting fucked by an ugly fag like deku is a fate worse than death. which makes bakek the perfect candidate, really.
>”Who the hell are you talking about? I don’t give a fuck, how are the kids?”
this is all taguchi's fault
Holy fuck lol
RIP Nejire and Tamaki
Mirio is friendless like Tenko
when you really think about it for more than a second all the characters in this stupid manga are deeply unlikeable
MHA362-Shine Like a Star
Who's he gonna fuck?
That's the thing- Hori had a whole page of Aizawa angsting about Kurogiri being shiro. Like tears and everything.
On midnight? It's talk to the hand. Wow, much in character. Much good writing- so much sovl .
I don't even like her, but that has to be one of the most pathetic attempt at caring for a character 'death' I've ever seen.
Will Shigaraki fuck suneater and Mirio in front of Nejire?
it's obvious Taguchi just urged Hori to skip straight to the "exciting" parts. Too bad his idea of 'exciting' is Deku blazing through villains with 0 difficulty
>no ball gag
i dont think deku unlocked that quirk yet