
>big boobs
>addicted to masturbate
this girl is perfect

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She is a fuji. Dropped.

>big boobs
so close to perfection

Has she got a taste of penis before though.
Because if she hasn't, why even bother.

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user, she's a horny pure maiden, nothing is hotter than that.


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She's an androphobic fujo.

Attached: Asobi Asobase - 04 [x265 10 bit 1920x1080 AAC].mkv_snapshot_19.39.218_[2022.07.10_21.44.50].jpg (1614x908, 134.43K)

Short hair / nice Japanese Bob cut. Kind and sweet , despite being an absolute closeted perve that expresses her fetishes through writing she inadvertently knows how to write a good comedy. Very good girl indeed .

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nothing wrong with wanting the dick of her husband

Isn't she like 13?

Hanako and Olivia are superior

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I like that potter who looks like a college student but somehow entered a middle school.

>addicted to masturbate
That's Hanako though.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Asobi Asobase - 08 [720p].webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Loved the anime. Shame no S2. Where does the anime end so I can continue reading from the manga?

Read from the beginning, some chapters got cut out from the anime.

Also backstabbing bitch.

Agreed user , agreed .

Only if her husband is me.

>wanting the dick