
Sensei is love. Sensei is Live.

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Uruka a best
Fumino a shit

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Sasuga, ESL-sama!

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Urucute a best

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sucking the shit out of Rizu's tits


Rizu? My bitch.

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sekijou best girl

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3/5 > 4/5 > 2/5 > 5/5 > 1/5

in terms of shittiness? Agreed

Urukafags will never stop seething at the fact Uruka isn't the canon winner.

Best route ranking.

3/5 was objectively garbage worse than every other route.

1/5 was the worst route, that's why it's last. 3/5 was the best route, that's why it's first.

>muh Urukafags


I love Fumino.

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3/5 was a shittier 1/5. It copies the same plot but with none of the buildup and escalation to the climax, managing a worse execution if that was even possible.

>I love eating shit

Your opinion isn't agreeaable.

nobody agrees with a fuminotard opinion. there's a reason why her popularity dropped to below even asumi level.

4/5 > 2/5 > 3/5 > 5/5 >1/5

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Very agreeable opinion

>intelligible bizarro world
You are so mad. Whatever helps you through the day, though.

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Still the greatest mogging of a heroine in a harem ever. Miharu is her sister so she's S+ tier as well.

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Uruka was a mistake.

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Put Uruka in S+ and it's most agreeable

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You got your tier list all upside down

Most agreeable taste.

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It's very much a fact. Take the valentine arc for example. In Uruka's route, it was part of a larger arc leading up to graduation which naturally shifted to Uruka's route, with every girl getting focus and giving chocolate to Nariyuki, for whom Uruka's chocolate was more special and meaningful. We can see that Uruka is special for Nariyuki thanks to the thinks she has done for him since the start.
In Fumino's route, the valentine arc only served to fuel her retarded self-pity for no reason. Nariyuki does fuckall, the other girls do fuckall. The arc was reused with none of the significance the original had with zero payoff. Fumino's route is garbage.

Urukadogs are barking.

I think Fumino can have a genuine tier of her own at the top. Maybe.

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t. fuminoturd

Based taste
Shit taste

>tl;dr delusional rant

genuine tier of shit maybe

Cringe taste.

Based taste.

Don't you have a cuckoo thread to make?

I know it's impossible to defend Fumino's garbage route, but at least put in some effort.

Shouldn't right be much shorter?