Finally, a protag that cares about himself for once
Finally, a protag that cares about himself for once
>Cares about himself
>Gets truck-kun'd by author for it
I swear this guy's personality was schizophrenic. He's an average kid, then he was actually a suppressed psychopath or whatever, then he was actually not a suppressed psychopath and was just pragmatic, yadayada.
Wow, its like people are irrational and do not always retain their initial personality or thinking
Right, sometimes their writer is switched in the middle of the series
user, note that said "then he WAS," not "then he IS."
He doesn't change over time ("he was average and then he became a psychopath and then he stopped"), he RETROACTIVELY changes, so that he was "always actually a psychopath" and then "never actually a psychopath." They explicitly state this stuff out loud.
How does that have anything to do with the disorder known as schizophrenia? Do you want me to copy and paste the symptoms of schizophrenia for you so that you understand why you're retarded?
The word schizo is posted so many times in this site I think kids don't even know the meaning anymore
He is not a person, he is a character, a tool to tell a story, if you change the character's personality without ryme or reason that is bad writing.
He's just an actual smart rational realist.
He is one of those sub human that use the word schizo as a meme word
Adolf sama
I'm sad that his childhood friend is so irrelevant
"Schizophrenic" is a word which means "wildly inconsistent". It has been used in this way for decades. Do you also complain about people using literally in a hyperbolic fashion? Because that's been done for literally centuries
I don't understand a single thing about Freesia except that the author is on enough coke to kill a horse.
Real answer is that the original writer quit around Volume 3, the artist kept going by himself and drove the series and characters to where he wanted. Anyone who picks up Anjin might as well not take the first chapters at face value, the artist very clearly didn’t like what his former partner was writing.
His character wasn't confusing at all to me. He's a guy who tries to judge everything by logic and do everything rationally but still does the morally right thing for the most part. People end up confused because they believe his sister when she says he's a complete sociopath but she's an unreliable narrator if you look at his actions he always did the right thing in his own way from the start.
>childhood friend
What- do you mean the smiles guy? I think he was handled fine alls said. But relevancy change is bound to happen when the artist takes over as mid story. I actually likehow the artist saw his character
Don't be silly user, drugs aren't allowed in Japan
I love seeing his frustration trying to figure out the logical framework of Sato's actions in order to be one step forward while Sato only does it for the lulz
>No fun allowed
This was one of the few times I laughed out loud from a manga panel. I couldn't believe it did that.
>People end up confused because they believe his sister
imouto or nips in general are just autistic retards