What do I have to do to get another women's wrestling anime?
What do I have to do to get another women's wrestling anime?
1. Buy the blurays
2. Repeat step 1 until season 2 is announced
rainbow mika in this?
What do i have to do to get another women to wrestle with me? (Without needing to spend money).
This anime was hot
Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai, right?
Nope. it has nothing to do.
It had a couple of nice moments but overally was a very boring anime. When all the heroine do is being held still in a wrestling hold and doing stupid faces it become really slow paced and redundant.
watch Tiger Mask W, enjoy the couple of episodes dedicated to Spring Tiger, and then beg Toei for a Spring Tiger spin-off
Isn't a new season of Ikkitousen coming out? I will never understand you ryonafags. Wouldn't you rather watch actual sex?
You sound like the kind of person to skip foreplay.
watch ultimate muscle
not because it has females in it, but because of that sax solo in the OP
>ultimate muscle
I've seen tons of love for UM and Kinnikuman on Any Forums lately. How has it taken this long for you lot to discover it?
I was watching it on 4kids when I was 8, you little shit
Foreplay? I don't have all day here.
Then you would've missed all the great jokes. Why didn't you wait until your 20s you little bastard?
because it was on the 4kids block and every 8 year old child loved wrestling during the late 90's early 00's
sacrifice your right arm
go to the gym then follow and assault women on their way home
>mfw Wrestle Angels or Ring Dream never got an anime adaptation
Man its a shame one either Nakai or Shimada got mad at fgo for that one lucha libre event, we couldve had a fun lucha libre one off OAV or something out of it. Type-Moon is actually good about their comedy stuff.
Man i just jerked off. Fuck you.