Hey user I think you're Kira

>hey user I think you're Kira

Attached: Lawliet-L-Cole.png (1280x720, 1.01M)

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Who's Kira?

Ok retard

*Pulls out Death Note*
>(Random normie) commits suicide by shooting self but the bullet ricochets and happens to kill anybody in a 200 meter radius that happens to know my identity.


>Oh yeah? Well I think your Kira!!

I'mma Kira your car.

Attached: carlos ramon.jpg (600x600, 34.54K)

Teehee, thanks

Attached: file.png (481x340, 23.31K)

Only Yogiri can grant eternal death

Attached: mari.jpg (571x781, 113.02K)

You'd be correct, L.

Attached: Kira_CE_68.png (715x720, 438.13K)

Caught me red handed

Attached: 1386634277770.jpg (960x720, 183.07K)

L dies

Attached: wrongo.jpg (500x368, 21.64K)

I can't let go anyone who knows my real identity

Attached: 1659491253049.png (1280x720, 808.48K)

Okay then, I think you're an escaped mental patient, not a detective if we're being honest. Though either way, I'm fairly sure I don't want to talk to you.

no u

Y----you too...


watashi wa kira dess


*palms sweating*
N-no you

Attached: main-qimg-fe0455e4847282fe6334ae19702b0d5e-lq.jpg (602x339, 27.36K)

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